Easy Battle HUD
An RPG Maker VX script written by Dark Gaia
Sick of seeing the same old boring battle status window in your game? Want something a bit different to the same old list with just your party's names and HP bars? That looks a bit dry, doesn't it?
This simple plug and play script will change that for you, by swapping over your battle status window for a nice looking HUD complete with facesets!
Plus, there's no need to make your own HUD image!
The reason I made this script is simple; I wanted to use EvenAngel's HUD script in my game but lacked the graphical skills to make a HUD image for it, so I decided to make my own HUD script which uses the normal battle window instead of a custom image.
This script has a few notable features:
● Simple to use for newbies. Just paste it in and you're done!
● Includes customisable fonts, which are very easy to set up.
● Compatible with most popular battle systems, including the default battle system and the Tankentai SBS.
● Designed to be compatible with most other battle add ons.
● Displays status condition icons, unlike other HUDs.
Simply paste the script under Materials and above Main. Place it under any custom battle systems you have installed.
Then, just set up the font and font size in the first section of the script (if you use custom fonts) and you're done!
Credit me if this is used. Free for use in commercial projects!
This script is designed to work with most popular battle systems and battle addons. The scripts however it won't work with are listed:
● Tankentai ATB (Only turn based variety is supported)
● Overdrive/Limit Break systems (unless the gauge is turned off in battle)
● Scripts which alter the Battle Status window itself.
● EvenAngel's Battle HUD script.
An RPG Maker VX script written by Dark Gaia
Sick of seeing the same old boring battle status window in your game? Want something a bit different to the same old list with just your party's names and HP bars? That looks a bit dry, doesn't it?
This simple plug and play script will change that for you, by swapping over your battle status window for a nice looking HUD complete with facesets!
Plus, there's no need to make your own HUD image!
The reason I made this script is simple; I wanted to use EvenAngel's HUD script in my game but lacked the graphical skills to make a HUD image for it, so I decided to make my own HUD script which uses the normal battle window instead of a custom image.
This script has a few notable features:
● Simple to use for newbies. Just paste it in and you're done!
● Includes customisable fonts, which are very easy to set up.
● Compatible with most popular battle systems, including the default battle system and the Tankentai SBS.
● Designed to be compatible with most other battle add ons.
● Displays status condition icons, unlike other HUDs.

Simply paste the script under Materials and above Main. Place it under any custom battle systems you have installed.
Then, just set up the font and font size in the first section of the script (if you use custom fonts) and you're done!
Credit me if this is used. Free for use in commercial projects!
This script is designed to work with most popular battle systems and battle addons. The scripts however it won't work with are listed:
● Tankentai ATB (Only turn based variety is supported)
● Overdrive/Limit Break systems (unless the gauge is turned off in battle)
● Scripts which alter the Battle Status window itself.
● EvenAngel's Battle HUD script.
# Easy Battle HUD v1.3 (for RPG Maker VX *only*)
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# Scripted by Dark Gaia ([url=http://www.darkgaia@live.com.au]http://www.darkgaia@live.com.au[/url])
# Based in part upon EvenAngel's Battle HUD
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# Insert this script under Materials and above Main. This script is compatible
# with any other script that doesn't modify the Battle Status window.
# **Not to be used with Tankentai ABS battle system**
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
# Credit if used. Free for use in commercial projects.
# ● Set Up Battle HUD
# You can customise aspects of your battle HUD here.
FONT_SIZE = 20 # Size of the font in the battle window.
STATUS_FONT = ["Verdana"] #Name of the font used in the battle window.
# End of customisation section.
class Window_BattleStatus
# ● Initialize
def initialize
super(0, 0, 416, 128)
@column_max = 4
self.active = false
self.opacity = 255
def update_cursor
# ● Window_BattleStatus
def draw_item(index)
x = index * 96
rect = Rect.new(x, 0, 96, 96)
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
actor = $game_party.members[index]
draw_actor_face(actor, x + 1, -9, 74)
draw_actor_state(actor, x + 72, WLH * 3)
self.contents.font.color = hp_color(actor)
self.contents.font.name = STATUS_FONT
self.contents.font.size = FONT_SIZE
draw_actor_hp(actor, x + 2, WLH * 2, 80)
draw_actor_mp(actor, x + 2, WLH * 3, 70)