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-Silver's- Gallery

Any artwork not related to a game I'm developing will go here. I imagine it will mainly be concept art :smile:

Comments and critique very welcome! Help me improve my art! Although I probably won't have the time to tweak these pieces, feedback will be really useful for future work.

A Dance In Fire

This is concept art for the province of Valenwood, from the Elder Scrolls series. It's inspired by the in-game book A Dance In Fire - "A never-ending canopy of hues of browns and greens obscured the sky. A millennia's worth of fallen leaves formed a deep, wormy sea of putrefaction beneath their feet. Several miles were crossed wading through the slime. For several more, they took a labyrinthian path across fallen branches and the low-hanging boughs of giant trees."

Time - 4 to 5 hours.

Knuckles the Echidna

A friend asked for a tattoo design based on a rasta Knuckles. I think I got carried away, because it's far too detailed for a tattoo :lol:

Dak'Fron Desert

More concept art for the Beyond Skyrim team - this is the Dak'Fron desert of Hammerfell. One of the modelers there created some awesome spiky rock pillars to dot the landscape, so I created a concept of how the desert could look with them. I also tried going overboard with colours, because I still really suck with colour. I'm never going to improve unless I force myself to use them, so if it looks like there's too much colour in this piece... now you know :tongue:

Image is pretty big, so you might want to view it here so that it fits on your monitor (HBGames doesn't resize images): http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/9684/frono.jpg

Photo Manipulation

I used stock models from Deviantart for these:

http://mjranum-stock.deviantart.com/art ... 7-76359855

Made a nice change from painting!




Awesome Bro

Too detailed for a tattoo? Have you seen the tattoos people have?

I like the first picture by the way, not sure what to say about it, but it looks nice lol
That's very cool.

By the way, if you want to force the images to resize you can use [imgaj]. I don't know why it's called that, but [imgaj]-your url here-[/imgaj] will do this:

You need more contrast especially with your shadows. Shadows should be rich in saturation, even more saturated than your base colors. Also, with that kind of light your shadows would be darker. I would suggest reading on color theory; it would really enhance your work. If you start contrasting your colors more, everything will start to look more realistic and you would have an easier time constructing your pictures. Right now, the landscape has that sort of haziness to it.

But it's very great work. Glad to see this. You are painting better than most; just be bolder with your colors!
Thanks for the critique :smile: Yep, I definitely need to improve my contrast. It's always been my main weakness. One of these days I'll find the time to dedicate a whole week to a course on colour theory, and iron out some of these problems.

Updated the OP with some new work: Photo manipulation this time.

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