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Silent Hill Sprites

The-Revolution":3dbh5ds4 said:
The actual head on Pyramid Head seems off in the front angle tilt. I don't know if it's a limitation of sprite size or what, but it seems tilted too far down and not rigid in the supposedly flat part.

Also lol @ getting worked up over being called a kid.

this is a different game and there has so far been 2 variants of pyramid head so why not do a 3rd as this one has a different background to the one from sh2 or homecoming hence why I changed bits about it, also I did try originally to give it a flat bottom to the helmet but the back of him looked a bit empty and that is why I then figured Id do my own new version of the scariest badass ever.

However, you have a point and I will probably eventually do a sh2 pyramid so that other people can use it if they are after one of the previous sh pyramids as apposed to my version.

ps. I didnt get worked up about the kid thing, I merely stated in a calm manner that its very degrading to call someone older than yourself kid, I didnt intend any sense of upset in the wording just a polite correction... but I can see how its funny lol.

badmonur":3dbh5ds4 said:
killer sprites bro, it would do the old heart well to see something made with them

working on it dude...

Its actualy about a guy who while moving away from silent hill with his son crashed the car into toluca lake due to pyramid head (aka. his sons imaginary friend fred) being stood in the road, his son drowned and ever since he has had nightmares about it so after a bizarre phone call decides to go back to silent hill where he then tries to rid himself of the nightmares all the while seeing his son around the town and being attacked by loads o monsters. top that from what I can gather it will be the only game where you go round both sides of the lake not just the north or south (sh 2 doesnt count with the one bit in the hotel on the north side)

anyways yeah it should be good
First off, On the SH Movie and homecoming, doesn't he carry around a giant, bloody sword?

Secondly, He doesn't wear a big butcher's gown. He wears like...uhh...what are they called....a Leotard? -shrug- The chest shouldn't be covered up, is what i am getting at. Just the man crotch.

Thirdly, You should add some animation to the one where he is hanging on the cross or whatever it is. Like blood dropping to the ground and landing in the puddle of blood! That'd be sweet.

Lastly, You can do a little bit of math and make the sprite bigger, so you can fix the helmet (Make it not point down, but out.) and the sword (He drags it behind him...Doesn't he only take a step forward with the same foot too? I guess i could doodle up something that demonstrates the way he walks with the sword.....Wait..I'll just stop).

PS: Good luck with the game

PSS: The side views of PH's arms look like midget arms too..they are really bulky at the top and don't look straight...I'll edit this post and get you a reference pic.

EDIT: Oh yeah... [IMG ZOOM] code Pixel drawings.

And here is your Reference.
A little update... I may be making a new Pyramid Head cause even though it is good enough for my game people want to see a skinnier taller one with a different pyramid.

secondly I am around half way done with the actual game

thirdly I have made an original sprite specificaly for this game that I will be uploading soon, its a man with no eyes and half of his mouth ripped away suspended in the air by 2 hospital drips of which the wires bury themselves into his skin and weave in and out til they leave his hands... long story short, he scares the shit out of me.

I have also made some custom doors for brookhaven hospital that look pretty damn good.

I am also working on 4 maybe 5 endings and a final boss that is gonna be awesome.

anyways Ill keep ya posted.

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