Ok.. Before EVERYTHING... There are some things that all of you must have in mind before reading this post...
1- Like many non english-speaking guys.. excuse my terrible english... it has been like three years since i don't practice it in any special institution.. so my only everyday training is watching House and Two & a Half Men without subtitles (ok, that was a joke xD... but i think you got the point huh?... Try to understand what i'm saying n.n...)
2- Like many other noobs... This is my first solid project... don't worry, this doesn't mean that i started it last week... I started it like... 10 months ago... I'm not saying this to just calm your comments... i need comments...
3- Probably all of you will notice it, but the project it's in Spanish D: ... maybe when a finish it, i'll think about some... language patch?...
4- The "Alpha" Demo... SUCKS... so don't judge the project with that... thing... i made the alpha in the first week of job... and i'm only leaving it so everybody can notice the change...
Let's Begin =)...
Official Website: http://wickedrekiem.webs.com/
Alpha Demo (Old Version): http://www.esnips.com/doc/41764d95-a2ce-4ac9-a140-d288d664aa82/SH-Chronicles-Setup
Alpha Demo's Fix: Silent Hill Chronicles.ini
Yes.. headers are in spanish... but c'mon.. they are not that hard to understand xD
Alex Belmont, is a reporter from the Brahms' diary, in day like any other one, he is
send to Silent Hill, to investigate about a series of unexplaineds traffic accidents
ocurring lately.
In his way, Alex, it's caught by some dense and heavy fog in late night, so he decides
to take a sidetrack, looking for a shelter until next day, in a small rural town in the outskirts
of Silent Hill... Toluca's Hill.
As soon as Alex enters Toluca's Hill he stumble with some disturbing and bizarre things
dispersed around the town, without knowing that he is entering in a place worst than his
scarier nightmare.
Alex Belmont:
The game main character, his personality is usually calm, sometimes even fresh in some aspects, his behavior can change depending on how we answer the Psych Profile, he is a Brahm's Diary reporter that gets into the mysterious events sorrounding Toluca's Hills... Despite looking like an ordinary guy, we will know more about him as story progresses.
Victor Skyell:
He is an agent of Brahms' Police Departmen (*Cough* *Cybil* *Cough*... Nah, i'm joking xD.. he is different =D). He meets Alex in Toluca's Hills outskirts. He is somewhat egocentric, thus choosing go on his own than taging with Alex, though he will help Alex in some situations because their goal is the same...
Those were the ones that you should know about now.. the others are waiting for you ;D...
Screenies =D
* Light Circle Script v1.01 - Levanan
* Sprite_Shadow - Based on Genzai Kawakami's shadows, dynamisme&features by Rataime, extra features Boushy
* Script de Teclado v2 - CyberSam
* Universal Message System v1.6.3 - Ccoa
* Weather Script - 4NG3L 0F N1GH7M4R3S
* DREAM controller for Save Files - Blizzard
* Parallax Background R2 - Dubealex
* Widescreen Window - Takneo
* Anti Event Lag - Near Fantastica
* Window_Advanced_Base - Ryex
-There are many outdated scripts here, example, i don't use Levanan's Light Script anymore, soon i will update that list...
* Flashlight. [Old] - [New]
* Radio. [WIP]
* Map. [WIP]
* Psych Profile (Think, Shattered Memories). [Info]
* Silent Hill - KONAMI
* Enterbrain - Rpg Maker XP
* Shooting System - By Nechi
* Silent Hill Sprites - By Cor Leonis
* Tilesets - Theodore Chipsets (?)
* Misc Resources & Otherworld Tiles - Steven Lehmann (Heinsen Hill)
* Character Sprites - HKCP
Credits to HKCP's Members
:: ELITE ::
* FOMAR0153
If you want more info or anything, just ask me in this thread or give a look at the website :3
SeeYa :biggrin: