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Silence - ¤ An Assassin's Tale ¤( In Early Development)

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Okay well I have been doing some work, and I would like to startover.

If a mod could please delete the topics, I will update the thread with the new screenshots and features and characters.
I hate to sound like a bastard but this looks like a very bad, over the top ripoff. The Theif started a game like this with the same premise but he has executed it a lot better, it seems you've tried to do the same thing but its really backfired on you. Cheap, fun and original graphics are fun but I mean, there is huge difference beteween that and what you have currently. Also on the 7 year old being that 'good' in MS Paint I don't know but I'm sure a few members around here will still remember Sparkfist (I think that was his name), he was 10 and did some amazing things with Photoshop. Spend a bit more time on what you have and I hope you listen to the advice given when you repost/update the topic.
It's almost an exact ripoff of The Thief. Just look at the two main characters. Even The Boss is a guy behind a chair with a cigar. This is ridiculous, man.
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