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Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP - Version 2.2xp

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HELL YEAH ATOA, YEAH!!!!!!!!! I was using this in Portuguese and did some cool things... the battle system is very flexible and good. I like it very much. Good joob and keep the good work up!



Amazing add-ons you included Atoa. This script is so freaking customizable that you won't see the same battle sequences twice in different games. Look at the commands, understand the sequences, and love the script. Some high quality games will be made with this from now on I suppose.

Just a small thing: many actions are reporting now if you use the Damage Limit add-on. Try to fight the enemy a bit to the right from where you start with it above main, the mass venom skill causes an error on Main. There are so many things that I don't know where to begin from. And the weirdest thing, is that it was working 100% with what I tested before I sent it to atoa @_@.



cairn":ytysuozl said:
Amazing add-ons you included Atoa. This script is so freaking customizable that you won't see the same battle sequences twice in different games. Look at the commands, understand the sequences, and love the script. Some high quality games will be made with this from now on I suppose.

*feels used* jk

i helped a very extreme small bit translating.
he did more then me tho, as he's better in the language then i am, no wonder if he speaks that language at home, and he had to double check my lil part here and there.

gj anyhow :thumb:

*points at guy above me who i meant*



No, you can use char with special poses, but not battle animations.

Maybe it was caused because i moved your translation to an RMXP english version.
I think i've made everything needed to it work fine with english RMXP.

about the damage limit bug, it solved :lol:
i'm updating the demo right now



I copied the data folder from the file you sent me before, so the base scripts there were on portuguese. But it's a good thing that you fixed that :D. Oh yeah, I was testing it some more earlier today, and found out that I can't get to 2 characters have the magic animation when they demorph at the end of the battle @_@.



quite strange... maybe it was an error on the update.

try downloading it now.

Remember that the transform skill do not return the graphic to it original before transformation.
You set in the confing the transfor and the untransform graphics. And it unchangeable.
So the cat form skill will *always* return the char to the graphic defined on the config.
The only way to change it, is setting an new skill an assing new graphicis to it.

You can use the an custom VX configuration and replace the script "* SBS Config" with it. (be careful, replace only the "* SBS Config" script, but don't remove the "* SBS Config - XP"), create your own configuration can be really hard '-'
Soon i will post an example of how to do it.



the odd thing atoa, is that I did that, but it either: only returned one of the characters, or neither of them @_@. And I setted the graphics etc to return to normal.
"This project is from an old version of RPG Maker and cannot be loaded."

That's what I get when I try to open it. I tried changing the Game.txt file from J to E and etc, but it still says the same thing.

Any ideas?
Krobelus":3nt56mj0 said:
"This project is from an old version of RPG Maker and cannot be loaded."

That's what I get when I try to open it. I tried changing the Game.txt file from J to E and etc, but it still says the same thing.

Any ideas?

Find a Game.rxproj from a project that works for you and overwrite the one in the demo's root folder.

@cairn: You need to create separate victory sequence for each actor with a transformation. Use the default victory sequence as a reference on how to create extras.
Mr. Bubble":2ucl11n5 said:
Krobelus":2ucl11n5 said:
"This project is from an old version of RPG Maker and cannot be loaded."

That's what I get when I try to open it. I tried changing the Game.txt file from J to E and etc, but it still says the same thing.

Any ideas?

Find a Game.rxproj from a project that works for you and overwrite the one in the demo's root folder.

Thanks that worked! But why does that happen anyway? O.o

Anyway this battle system for XP is great, and it's humorous to see everyone dodge a status skill (like sleep) while one party member is hit by it. haha.

Great job~~



It because my version of RMXP is an different version.
i acidentally deleted the english version "Game.rxproj" i had in backup '-'



Atoa, can you make an Addon for this script? It would be cool to have an Combo Addon which displays the combo that you do in the character turn, and the total damage of the character's action and another one that shows the total turn combo (all four character's attack, when all four character had an action, it resets since this script uses ATB) and the total turn damage.

Also it would be great if the party combo, when reached a setted ammount of combo, you can press a button (like W or E exactly when hits the setted ammount) to activate a special 4 man attack! It would be really cool and innovative since i dont think there is something alike in an existing commercial rpg :thumb:

Also great script really. Works charm. Definitely using this for some kind of project that is coming to my mind lately :cheers:
Atoa":2ti6xglo said:
It because my version of RMXP is an different version.
i acidentally deleted the english version "Game.rxproj" i had in backup '-'

Why does your project needs RGSS103J.dll and not RGSS102E.dll?
I don't recall any legal english version using this DLL.
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