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Side-view Template Concept

This is a single-frame example of the battler for a side-view Kung Fu ABS system. By side-view I mean like Tales of Phantasia or even Street Fighter. It's for a project I'm working on, which you can find here.

http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f254/ianknowland/chartemp-1.png[/img]        http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f254/ ... artemp.png[/img]

My inspiration was the Half-Kaizer sprite design, but aside from borrowing that palette this is a completely original template.
OK, to start with - what's with the legs? They bulge out where they should go in. It detracts from the look of the template, IMO. You've done pretty well for starting from scratch, though.
Thanks for the feedback! If you mean the bulges at the back of the leg, it's supposed to be like that. That's where the calves are. I wasn't going for a high degree of anatomical correctness, but I am still refining it. We'll see how it changes! But the bulkiness is sort of what I was going for.

This is a good time for me to say that I welcome all criticism! Keep it constructive, please :)

I think the feet could be a little bigger, height-wise. And I think you could demonstrate the head-on look of his left fist better by completely shading the forearm in the midtone color (there seem to be 3 main colors: shadow, midtone, highlight).

I don't mind the legs--I mean, you see thick calves/ankles all over in Megaman, so I figure I'm used to it--but something seems wrong about the eyes. I'm not sure how to improve them, but it feels strange that it's the same eye shape on the left (his left) eye as the right. Like I said, however, not sure how to improve that. :)
Thanks everybody!

@ Venetia: Yeah I definitely had Megaman in mind, if only subconsciously. But I actually changed the calf size, though I haven't gotten around to putting it back up. I think the newer one looks better. It's only for the left leg (his right). As for the eyes, I tried to make it so he's looking to the left. When I made them symmetrical he just looked cross-eyed or something. And I couldn't really space it out comfortably enough...in the end this actually looked more aesthetically pleasing but it's good to get a second opinion. I'll look into the eyes--no pun intended :p

Thanks again, and keep them coming! I think this could actually turn out really well. Once I get a good base template, I'll start animating it. That'll be a whole new load of problems, I'm sure. If somebody would like to help out with that I'd be more than grateful!

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