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Shop Script with Limited Stock Option

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I've been using a Call Script... command to set the shop lists, like this:

$game_temp.shop_goods = []
$game_temp.shop_goods << [<item type>, <item id>]
$scene = Scene_Shop.new

etc., for each shop. But, I'm wanting a couple shops, not all, to have a limited amount of supplies that can be bought. I was wondering if someone could help me make this so I can use my system (as shown above), but just by adding another element to my array in order to allow limited stock, something like this:
$game_temp.shop_goods = []
$game_temp.shop_goods << [<item type>, <item id>, <stock amount>]
$scene = Scene_Shop.new
where stock amount = 0 would mean that there is no limit on supplies.

please and thank you!
Alright, I'm needing help with this script,

what im wanting to be able to do is make it so that when a player does a certain task, more of certain items become in stock. Instead of the shop restocking over time, they will have to do tasks in order to get more items in the shop stock. all i really need to know is how to add an amount of an item to the shop, everything else I can figure out myself.
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