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Shadow Hearts CBS



These are some screenshots for people who have never played Shadow Hearts.
Basically, when you attack or use a skill/item, this ring pops up. There's another part of the ring I couldn't get a picture of, but I'm not worried about it. To simplify my request a little, I only want it to show up when the person attacks. And so nobody complains about it being hard to make it work in a ring (I've gotten that before), I only need it as a bar. I basically want it to show up right above the character, like I've drawn in this picture:
Obviously I only took about a minute on drawing that...

1) The player chooses to attack.
2) Each character has their own "Judgment Line" (customizable in the script) that moves slower if they have high dexterity (999/dexterity, higher is faster. Should only take 2 seconds maximum (level 999))
3) Enemies attack as in the default battle system.
4) The black line moves across the "Judgment Line"
5) The player hits the space bar
6) If it stops on a grey area, the attack misses
7) If it stops in an orange area, the attack hits and does normal damage
8) If it stops in the red area, the attack hits and does critical damage

I know, it's probably difficult and I normally don't request my scripts, but I have horrible luck with making my own CBSs.
I'd like something like this too, though I know it'd be easier to script the ring as a long bar, so if anyone could get the basic concept of it done through a standard bar that'd be awes.
I'd hate to say this, but it's unlikely that this request will be filled. I want to system too. And I requested it ages ago at .net and no one did it for me...Your best bet would either be to learn to script and do it yourself, or hire someone in recruitment and they can have a shot at it. Because really...this would be kind of hard to make. Anyway, sorry for bringing bad news...

~ Sam

PS: If anyone wants to prove me wrong, go for it.



I knew it was unlikely. I requested it on .net, too, and didn't get any replies. I know how to script (I've made a CBS before, but not one this complex). All I really need is someone who can tell me how to make the vertical bar move across. The rest I can do on my own. I could possibly do it with the ring, too, but first I have to know how to make it move :P

So now, the request has changed. I just need someone to tell me how to make the rectangles (I know it's easy, I've just never done it before) and the moving bar so that they only stay over a quarter of the screen with priority of 255. The rest I can do.

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