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That's because no one knows me. If I were a well-known and well-liked forum goer, my project would get much more attention.

But this is kind of better, at least I know the feedback I get is real.
Also partly due to the fact that the old thread for the project with a lot more pages of replies is no longer existent. :p What happened with that thread, by the way?
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This is what I am getting when I try to download this RPG...hate to miss it???
suggestions welcome........
I liked about everything about the game except maybe the battles. I think they need to be balanced more and be a little more interesting.

But yeah, everything else was astounding. Especially the puzzles.
The game is magnificent. The battles are too difficult and pretty uninspired to me, but the puzzles are mind-boggling. I kept thinking "how the heck did he do that?"

Besides the battles, its pretty amazing. Chapter 1 anytime soon?
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same as before....any way to contact Raiju about this? I sent a pm the first time I couldn't get it...no reply yet. (that was 2 weeks ago)
Ah, ha, haaaa! you goof-ball! *wink* thanks for pointin' the direction, huntin' and trackin' skills applied, successful link posted below:


now I have an excuse ta play all holiday, instead of workin' on my own project, he,he.....thanks again, have some pie and ice cream!

*whew* that was short, but perfect! full of wonderful water puzzles, water rising and falling in the sewers, floating platforms and gates, wild boat ride dodging pillars, jumping across floating logs being swept over a waterfall...
and a cool mirror puzzle. Really nice story line (none of this 'you are the chosen one' mega war based tale), two ordinary thieves stumble across some real color magic....
good work Raiju!!

part of my Lotus Garden tileset

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