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Server Source

I have a problem.

For the last 6 months, I've been working on an online game (working very nicely, too :) ) and it occurred to me not long after I'd started that I'd need the server source code.
I'm using an executable server by sweet vengeance (NetRMXP Online 2.1.7) and I need a way of editing what the server sends.
Currently, I have had to stick to sending global messages, client to client, and making only the recipient process the data:

# from within the code

@socket.send("ALL|self.method_name(#{recipient_id}, #{val1}, #{val2}")




#upon recieval from the net

def self.method_name(id,val1,val2)

  if id == self.id




But this is causing a lot of unnecessary lag.
Having all players in the server send their stats to all players, only to have 1 player process it (in 1 case) is ridiculous.

My options are running out.

So, my main point/question is
Is there a method of extracting Ruby code running from within an executable? People say you can extract the code from the memory from the RGSS Player, so would the same thing work here?
I need help, guys.
Thanks for reading :)

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