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See my sprites and tell what you think

Dark_Cover":3q2dfnqz said:
i dont like half-kaizer either but thats only cause there arent enough rescources to use it well. i think its easier to sprite the HK though and im working on some tilesets as well but i wont post them yet...

i dded another HK

http://i454.photobucket.com/albums/qq26 ... be_new.png[/imgzoom]

Hk is not easier to sprite. Sorry to disagree with you on that. But the bigger size means details are more easier to notice if they're not present. Spriting small helps you to learn more as if you want something to appear you'd have to come up with a clever solution.  But thats my opinion.

You're getting better!

But the problem now is that the colors are either clashing or something just doesn't look right with this current one. Its mainly with the boots. You need a darker palette in my view.

Yeah something like that.

And yeah folds aren't easy. But nothing is at first. It just takes practice. So get on it! :thumb:
lol, when i say easier i mean that i can put more detail. there seems to be lack of detail in smaller sprites...


and i agree, the boots are strange but i had never done boots so they were "test" boots...after i change the boots i start on the walk animation



Woah, The HK looks cool but the green is to dark, it seems like the color is wearing off an old shirt...

The RTP character seems weird but i can't put my finger on it...And what our the things on his back?
I'm not a fan of how skinny the waist looks on the RTP. :/

I think you should either use Mack's edit or the one that GameRage did. Because Of how the arms stick out look really odd to me. I mean no normal person stands like that.

And there's this weird looking fold there [[stray pixel?]] it doesn't look right. Its where the waist begins/ends.
actualy I made the RTP guy skinnier myself, I noticed that messed up fold right after posting it and by then I was already missing out on two hours of sleep so I decided to fix it later and repost...I'm not going to repost until I have the left walk animation...

You can't see it from the front but the things on his back are swords. It isn't  a normal sword, it's a special double blade that this character carries in my game.



Hey you finally finished the guy for your game, which i checked out by the way...ANYWAYS...
His swords look odd but by what I read on your game the blades are hooked and odly shaped to cause more pain...
Was it intintuanal for that shape?
Also his side hair looks kinda messed up, not sure why, i think its the halo.
wow, fast reply, I just updated him a few minutes ago, lol.
Um well at first I couldn't get the shape right but then I decided to draw the blades on a peice of paper, then I got a good idea what I was doing.
Actualy I like the hair at side-veiw, I dislike the back-veiw.
And thanks for reading my game topic. sadly it's only a story with a few sprites and about 5 maps so far. but i don't need to explain my game topic here.

Next I'm wanting to make Phurber so I might need help, considering he is a cat/Demean. If anyone knows how to make a Cat that walks on two legs and doesn't mind sharing there knowledge I'd be very greatfull



The cat guy with a Bow...in his Bio you didn't make him sound so important. i thought you might do Ganzus next...i like Ganzus, and evil guy that reads and actualy has emotions...

Oh well, it will be cool to see a cat walking on two legs holding a bow...Im curius as to what he will loook like.

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