~ Intro ~
Anyway, this script will allow you to have fogs in your RPG Maker VX game, just like XP!
Just set everything up in the config module, and you're ready to go!
~ Requirements ~
You need this folder inside your Graphics folder:
~ Screenshots ~
~ Script ~
~ Credits ~
StormCross - Script
~ Commercial Games ~
This script is free for use in commercial games, but credit is required.
Anyway, this script will allow you to have fogs in your RPG Maker VX game, just like XP!
Just set everything up in the config module, and you're ready to go!
~ Requirements ~
You need this folder inside your Graphics folder:
~ Screenshots ~

~ Script ~
# * SEE - Fogs * Version 1 *
# * By StormCross
# * [url=][/url]
# * 26/09/2011
# * If you like my scripts, please show your appreciation by checking out
# my friendly, helpful Game Development Community, PlanetDev. Link above.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Aliased Methods
# - initialize (Spriteset_Map)
# - update (Spriteset_Map)
# - dispose (Spriteset_Map)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * This script allows you to have fogs, just like in RPG Maker XP!
$imported = {} if $imported == nil
$imported["SEE - Fogs"] = true
# * Main StormCross Engine Evolution Configuration Module
module SEE
# * Fogs Configuration Module
module Fogs
MAPS = []
# * The number after MAPS[1] corresponds to the ID of the map in RMVX.
# The values are as follows.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Name, Opacity, Movement Direction, Horizontal Speed, Vertical Speed
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Name - The filename of the fog graphic in Graphics/Fogs
# * Opacity - The opacity of the fog. 64 is reccomended.
# * Movement direction of the fog. There are 9 presets.
# 0 = Static
# 1 = Left
# 2 = Right
# 3 = Up
# 4 = Down
# 5 = Upper Left
# 6 = Upper Right
# 7 = Lower Left
# 8 = Lower Right
# * Speed of the horizontal movement of the fog. 1 is default.
# * Speed of the vertical movement of the fog. 1 is default.
MAPS[1] = ["001-Fog01", 64, 8, 1, 1]
end # Fogs
end # SEE
# * Spriteset_Map edit for fog effects
class Spriteset_Map
include SEE::Fogs
# * Alias the initialize method and create fogs
alias see_fogs_spritesetmap_init initialize
def initialize
if MAPS[$game_map.map_id] != nil
end # initialize
# * Create the fog graphic
def create_fog
@fog_sprite =
@fog_sprite.bitmap = Cache.fogs(MAPS[$game_map.map_id][0])
@fog_sprite.opacity = MAPS[$game_map.map_id][1]
@fog_name = MAPS[$game_map.map_id][0]
end # create_fog
# * Update the fog movement and graphic
def update_fog
if @fog_name != MAPS[$game_map.map_id][0]
@fog_name = MAPS[$game_map.map_id][0]
if @fog_sprite.bitmap != nil
@fog_sprite.bitmap = nil
if @fog_name != ""
@fog_sprite.bitmap = Cache.fogs(MAPS[$game_map.map_id][0])
case MAPS[$game_map.map_id][2]
when 0 # Static
@fog_sprite.ox = $game_map.display_x / 8
@fog_sprite.oy = $game_map.display_y / 8
when 1 # Left
@fog_sprite.ox += MAPS[$game_map.map_id][3]
when 2 # Right
@fog_sprite.ox -= MAPS[$game_map.map_id][3]
when 3 # Up
@fog_sprite.oy += MAPS[$game_map.map_id][4]
when 4 # Down
@fog_sprite.oy -= MAPS[$game_map.map_id][4]
when 5 # Upper Left
@fog_sprite.ox += MAPS[$game_map.map_id][3]
@fog_sprite.oy += MAPS[$game_map.map_id][4]
when 6 # Upper Right
@fog_sprite.ox -= MAPS[$game_map.map_id][3]
@fog_sprite.oy += MAPS[$game_map.map_id][4]
when 7 # Lower Left
@fog_sprite.ox += MAPS[$game_map.map_id][3]
@fog_sprite.oy -= MAPS[$game_map.map_id][4]
when 8 # Lower Right
@fog_sprite.ox -= MAPS[$game_map.map_id][3]
@fog_sprite.oy -= MAPS[$game_map.map_id][4]
end # update_fog
# * Alias the update method and update fogs
alias see_fogs_spritesetmap_update update
def update
if @fog_sprite != nil
end # update
# * Alias the dispose method and dispose of fogs
alias see_fogs_spritesetmap_dispose dispose
def dispose
end # dispose
# * Dispose the fog graphic
def dispose_fogs
end # dispose_fogs
end # Spriteset_Map
# * Cache edit to support fogs
module Cache
# * Load fog graphic
def self.fogs(filename)
load_bitmap("Graphics/Fogs/", filename)
end # self.fogs
end # Cache
~ Credits ~
StormCross - Script
~ Commercial Games ~
This script is free for use in commercial games, but credit is required.