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Scrolling Title

Is there any way to have a scrolling title screen? Like a panorama that loops? It would look most optically pleasing and i am a noob for scripting?

Is it possible and can someone please help me?
You would use the Plane class, instead of sprite.

Then modify the ox/oy of it. It works just like a sprite, but tiles it.

    @sprite = Plane.new(Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480))
    @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)


# Under def update

    @sprite.ox += 4

Something like that.
Well, in Scene_Title, find your line

@sprite = Sprite.new

Replace that with

@sprite = Plane.new

Now, under def update, you just need to decide how you want it to scroll.

@sprite.ox += x_mod
@sprite.oy += y_mod

Replace x_mod with x position movements and y_mod with y postion movements.

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