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Scripting Tool - Hash Struct

Hash Struct
Version: 0.1


This script is purely a scripting tool. It works similar to the Struct class, but now when you create your struct object class, you can define defaults to your attributes. When you create your objects, you only have to pass attributes you wish to change. It is missing methods from the original Struct class, but I will be adding those in the future.


# ** Hash_Struct
# SephirothSpawn
# Version 0.1
# 2008-10-14
#  This class imitates the Struct class however, it allows you to create a
#  struct class with defaults so when creating a struct object, all attributes
#  do not need to be passed.
#  Examples:
#  This creates a new class "Test_Class" with 2 attributes: test1, test2
#   - Hash_Struct.new('Test_Class', {'test1' => 'a', 'test2' => 'b'})
#  This creates a Test_Class object, passing no arguments
#   - object1 = Hash_Struct::Test_Class.new
#   Now lets inspect
#    - p object1 => #<Hash_Struct::TestClass:0x3e7d0e8 @test2="b", @test1="a">
#  This creates a Test_Class object, passing 500 as the test1 value
#   - object2 = Hash_Struct::Test_Class.new('test1' => 500)
#   Now lets inspect
#    - p object2 => #<Hash_Struct::TestClass:0x3e7d0e8 @test2="b", @test1=500>

class Hash_Struct
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(class_name, defaults_hash = {})
    # Start with class name
    s  = "class #{class_name};"
    # Save defaults hash as class variable
    s += "  @@defaults_hash = #{string(defaults_hash)};"
    # Create accessor methods
    defaults_hash.keys.each do |key|
      s += "  attr_accessor :#{key};"
    # Object Initialization
    s += '  def initialize(hash = {});'
    # Passes through defaults
    s += '    @@defaults_hash.each do |key, value|;'
    # If value is defined
    s += '      if hash.has_key?(key);'
    # Define value
    s += '        eval ("@#{key} = hash[key]");'
    # If value not defined
    s += '      else;'
    # Set to default
    s += '        eval ("@#{key} = value");'
    s += '      end;'
    s += '    end;'
    s += '  end;'
    s += 'end;'
    eval s
  # * String - Returns object in evaluatable format
  def string(object)
    case object
    when Array
      object.collect! {|x| string(x)}
      return "[#{object.join(',')}]"
    when Hash
      str = '{'
      object.each do |key, value|
        str += "#{string(key)} => #{string(value)},"
      str += '}'
      return str
    when String
      return "'#{object}'"
    when Symbol
      return ":#{object}"
      return object.to_s


Please read the script heading.

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Author's Notes

If you need any help using this, just ask.

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