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Scripting Inspiration

The Point of this topic is: What do you want... I need to script something because I'm getting Bored.... So what do you want for me to script?

All good things either cost money, have rules, or both.... So:

1. No CBS
2. No CMS
3. No Add-ons to Battle and Menu Systems.
4. Anything like Objective Menus and Menus of any kind I can do.....
5. Be clear in what you want. (or post will be ignored)
6. Have fun with what you want.... Nothing beats a good old Arrow Targetting System.... Heh....

Scripting Clients:


Finished Client Scripts:

Minigame Title Edit
Sasuke, I need some script, please create for me when you are free...
My cooperative attack not same like combined attack or something else...
Who played before suikoden will know what I mean.

Well, let's me explain.
Cooperative attack is like every suikoden series.
In battle, you can select some default option but with a new option: "Cooperative attack". It is something like unite attack.

Example: There are 2 fighter and 2 mage in your party. When battle you can select co-op attack and attack with the same class, that means: 2 fighter attack at the same time but it will skip another fighter turn...

You know what I means?

Alright, I explain simple a bit...
You can co-op attack with the same class with you in the party.
First, untill the first fighter turn, you select co-op attack, first fighter and
the second fighter will attack at the same time. When this turn end, it will
skip the second fighter turn...

I think you will know what I mean now....
Please help...

Okay, First off I know this can be done with events but I feel Scripts could make this far better and run smoother.

Alright, this is basicly a rock, paper, scissors style battle system, though it's not really a battle system either. for those that have played Suikoden, or the RM2k version, Legion Saga, you know well what I'm talking about, but for those that don't(and thats probably most of the scripters here) I shall do what I can do describe what it is while telling you what I'd like the script to do. Also, just to make a point get across. I DO NOT NEED THIS, I'd like it, but don't need it.

Now, The screen is basicly a field map(perferably a battle background) with two armys on either side of the screen, at the top is the names of the armys and health bars, The health bars of course simulate how many soldiers each army has left to use, if all soldiers are dead then that armys dead. simple as that.

Below the main screen(the one showing the background and armys) is a menu and a play-by-play type of area. the Menu holds the commands for your army as well as a fourth command for help and tips. the play-by-play area is merely just there for the end of each turn to state who did what(such as charge) and how many soldiers they lost from the attack.

Each turn takes place with you the player choosing one command from the menu, the commands are as follows, Charge(Sword Attack/Melee Attack), Arrow(Bow Attack/Ranged Attack) and Magic(Staff Attack/Ranged Attack). after you've choosen your command for your army the computer will randomly(unless the scripter can find a better way) picks one of the three commands for its army. then the turn begins, If both sides pick the same command, both sides attack with that command but the damage is lessened due to the fact that they used the same command, however, if say Army A uses charge and Army B uses Arrow, then Army A will charge Army B and take little to no damage where as Army B will take a ton of damage since Archers are weak against Swords.

The commands work like Rock, Paper, Scissors, Sword Beats Arrow, Arrow Beats Magic, and Magic beats Sword.

Now for the graphics, it's basicly two pictures for each, the Charge one would have the army with their swords up, then down, Archers would have the same, one picture with the bows ready the second with the bows aimed, And same with the mages.

Now for the fun stuff, I'd like the players army to be defined by a variable, since in my game you can gain more troops by doing quests and playing special mini games. the enemy army can be defined either the same way(if its easier) or another way(which ever is easier). When the one side has been defeated, then a results screen pops up saying, Victory, how many troops you have left, how many troops you defeated(up to the scripter). That of course is if you win the battle, otherwise it goes straight to the game over screen.

I hope I've made it all clear and understandable. if it isn't please let me know and I'll try to clear it up as much as possible. I hope this gets done cause I think it'd be a really interesting and cool system, if anyone has suggestions for like add-ons or such, by all means submit them.

Thank you for viewing

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