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Script to show enemy HP??



RMVX Show HP Bars over enemies. There are a few constants you can play with to get different results and they are located at the top of Enemy_HPBar's class definition.  A word of notice. The battler sprites I have no idea what math they use to position there sprites but I can't seem to get it where I think it should be all the time. The the health bar might go wacky with certain sprites. I tested a few and the results were ok. But that's just a warning.

# ** HP_Bar
#  This sprite will show the user how much HP an enemy has.

class Enemy_HPBar < Sprite_Base
  # * Constant Variables
  # The bar uses a gradient. Default is (red to green)/(left to right) 
  # respectively.
    Color.new(255, 0, 0) # The left color of the HP Bar. *Default : Red*
    Color.new(0, 255, 0) # The right color of the HP Bar. *Default : Green*
  HP_BAR_LENGTH = 64     # The length of the bar. 1 pixel border is not 
                         # taken into account.
  HP_BAR_HEIGHT = 6      # The height ob the bar. 1 pixel border is not
                         # taken into account.
  HP_BAR_OPACITY = 170   # The opacity of the bar.
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(viewport, sprite_battler)
    # Save the battler.
    @sprite_battler = sprite_battler
    self.opacity = HP_BAR_OPACITY
    # Create the bitmap.
    self.bitmap = Bitmap.new(HP_BAR_LENGTH + 2, HP_BAR_HEIGHT + 2)
    # Create the outline it will never change.
    self.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, HP_BAR_LENGTH + 2, 1, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
    self.bitmap.fill_rect(0, HP_BAR_HEIGHT + 1, HP_BAR_LENGTH + 2, 1, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
    self.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 1, 1, HP_BAR_HEIGHT, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
    self.bitmap.fill_rect(HP_BAR_LENGTH + 1, 1, 1, HP_BAR_HEIGHT, Color.new(0, 0, 0))
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Turn it off if the battler is either dead or hidden.
    self.visible = @sprite_battler.visible
    # Return if this object can not be seen.
    return unless self.visible
    # Put the bar dead center over the sprite.
    self.x = @sprite_battler.x + 
      (@sprite_battler.bitmap.width / 2) - HP_BAR_LENGTH
    # Move it up away from the sprite just a little.
    self.y = @sprite_battler.y - 10
    self.z = @sprite_battler.z + 1
    if @hp != @sprite_battler.battler.hp
      # Clear out the portion we want to draw to.
      self.bitmap.clear_rect(1, 1, HP_BAR_LENGTH, HP_BAR_HEIGHT)
      # Save the current hp.
      @hp = @sprite_battler.battler.hp
      # Determine how many pixels wide the health bar should be.
      pixel_width = HP_BAR_LENGTH * (@hp / @sprite_battler.battler.maxhp.to_f)
      # Draw the health bar.
      self.bitmap.gradient_fill_rect(Rect.new(1, 1, pixel_width, HP_BAR_HEIGHT), 
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    self.bitmap.dispose unless self.bitmap.disposed?

# ** Spriteset_Battle
#  This class brings together battle screen sprites. It's used within the
# Scene_Battle class.

class Spriteset_Battle
  # * Alias Methods
  alias_method :djfl_hpbars_spriteset_battle_create_enemies, :create_enemies
  alias_method :djfl_hpbars_spriteset_battle_dispose_enemies, :dispose_enemies
  alias_method :djfl_hpbars_spriteset_battle_update_enemies, :update_enemies
  # * Create Enemy Sprite
  def create_enemies
    @enemy_hpbars = []
    @enemy_sprites.each { |enemy| 
      @enemy_hpbars << Enemy_HPBar.new(@viewport1, enemy) 
  # * Dispose of Enemy Sprite
  def dispose_enemies
    @enemy_hpbars.each { |enemy_hp| enemy_hp.dispose }
  # * Update Enemy Sprite
  def update_enemies
    @enemy_hpbars.each { |enemy_hp| enemy_hp.update }

Good luck with it djflan! :thumb:

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