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Script Request



Ok...i need this...if this is possible...and i think it is...

I would make an Flash Movies (for cutscenes of my game)
and this script supposed to be call script...to call it with events...and when u call it...it would open up a flash movie...from folder in my game...lets say...folder name would be cutscenes...and when flash movie is finished...flash player to turn off...an game continues...

can someone make something like this..i think this shouldnt be hard...if its possible...

tnx in advance :D
1) this doesnt belong here, it belongs in the script request forum.
2) you can just convert them (i think XP can use .avi files for movies) with a program off the internet. just google Flash to AVI converter or something and see what there is to get.
Why do you need a converter? Just go File>export in Flash MX and select .avi
Anyway, this script will allow you to play .avi's [see attached].
I didn't make it. I'm not sure who did or if the author's name is in my .txt file. If you're really interested you can look up the script at the Creation Asylum site.

Apparently it was made by Soundspawn and was right here at RMXP.org

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