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Script Help: Hide battle graphics during battle animation


I was hoping someone can tell me how to edit the default battle script so whenever a monster or actor does an attack/uses a skill their battle graphic disappears and then reappears when the attack animation finishes.

If you could let me know how, or direct me in any way, it would be much appreciated
Since I'm not home right now, I can only give you unprecise help... however, as you didn't seem it necessary to define your RM version, I guess that makes it even.

Take a peek at the script library and check out Scene_Battle (might be numbered, but don't let that confuse yourself - it's still only one class). What you're looking for is the phases, or even better, different actions for a close control of when your code actually gets called. So, let's say you find a method named 'attack' or something, put the visible flag for the sprite to false, and at the end (or well, before the 'end' ;) ) back to true. You do this by copypasting this code roughly:

@active_battler.visible = false

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