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Script Edit

Takes a stab at it replace the methods in the script with these
(note: Lockheart was the person who translated the script he is not the author of that script)

  alias window_battle_message_200_start_phase1 start_phase1
  def start_phase1
    if not WBM200_ACTOR_VISIBLE
      for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
        @spriteset.actor_sprites[i].visible = false
    text = add_text($data_troops[@troop_id].name, "**start")
    @bwin_wbm.draw_text(text, @wbm_loop1, true)
    @wbm_loop1 += 1 # Message Line +1
    @wait_count = WBM200_TEXT_WAIT
  # ● Frame Update (pre-battle phase)
  alias window_battle_message_200_update_phase1 update_phase1
  def update_phase1

btw Where are my puzzles I've been waiting months (close to a whole year) for them (just kidding ;))
Okay, I tried it out, it's either I'm putting it in the wrong place, replacing too much, replacing too little, or the script doesn't work.
I'm a bit confused to how much I have to replace.
I know it starts at line 438, but up to where do I replace it?

Trickster said:
btw Where are my puzzles I've been waiting months (close to a whole year) for them (just kidding ;))

Lol, it's hard to come up with good puzzles when there's no skill chaining coded yet.
Plus, I'm pretty much a procrastinator.
Only those two methods I rewrote in the script

[Off topic]
lol, I was kidding, All of the datastructure is changing since I'm completely rewritting the script and the format for them may change, I still have to find time to work on it though

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