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School project[Need help / brainstorming]

Hello fellow .org members!

I am a 17 year old guy from sweden and i'm currently studying at a gymnasium.
I don't know exactly which countries have gymnasiums, but i'll try to explain what it is.
In sweden, after you've gone to school for 9 years you are given the option to continue school. This is the gymnasium, and it is required if you want to go to university. You can choose which direction you want to go based on what you're intrested in, whether you want to be a painter, mecanic, doctor or an actor etc.
I am currently studying so that i can become a chef.
At the third year of gymnasium there is a big assignment where you have to do a big project related to what you're studying.
And since i am studying to become a chef, i need a project that has something to do with food, like making my own cookbook.

But the thing is, i'm having a problem coming up with ideas on what to do.
So that's why i'm turning to you. If you have any ideas on a project i can do that has something to do with food, please share them.
Any help is appreciated! And thanks for reading my post! :thumb:

Over and out - Gando
You said it yourself...a cookbook.  I think that would be a good project for you to do, and it would be fun at that!

Of course, if you're more into research than experimenting with ingredients, I would suggest something like a research project on how different chemicals react in food substances and what they do to affect flavor, texture, etc.

Well, that's all I've got for now.  Ciao!
You could also research how different foods affect the tastebuds on the tongue (sorry if I used the wrong term).  I think a cookbook is a good idea, but it seems a little standard, which is, I'm assuming, why you're looking for another idea.

I wish we had something like that in the U.S.  I don't get why we need to learn math if we want to be a painter or learn English if we want to be a crafter.  I guess it's the way it is because people usually don't know what they want to do after nine years of school, but it's a little annoying for those of us who know already.  I also don't like how much emphasis we place on tests and college over skills in what the person's going to be doing, but I doubt the attitude will change any time soon.
"So, whats 20 divided by 4?"
"Whats four? I'm an artist."

yeah, but i think a short cookbook should be the best idea. My recipe suggestion is multi-cheese grilled cheese sandwiches. (chedder, cream cheese, havarti) Mmmmm.
I'm not talking basic stuff, I'm talking advance stuff.  Everyone should know basic math and English, but some won't need to know the advanced stuff.

And yes, I am insane. :mystery:
I'm from New York, and we have the SAT.  It's a state standardized test that is taken very seriously when applying for colleges or jobs.  You pretty much have to know everything except calculus in math and you need to know quite a few terms in English to do good.  They purposely don't give you enough time so they can see how fast you recall information.
bluehazed":2pzmvigd said:
Thanks, we know what an SAT is, now, if you could both stay on topic.....

Sorry Bluehazed.  I didn't think you needed to give that infraction PM though.  Otherwise keep up the good mod work.
Yeah, I tend to get off-topic a lot.  Sorry, Gando.  And bluehazed, you shouldn't be backseat moderating.

No Backseat Moderating
Do not try to play moderator or make a public posting saying what they did. That is our job. If you see a problem use the “report to moderatorâ€
How about a cook book for the cusine challenged? Like 20 min gourmet meals for the bachealor, or college student.  Or a study of the impact of food on various cultures, how nutrition and diet has change over the millenia, or even a study on the social/economical impact of certain food trends.( i.e. The reason why rice prices shot up recently.)
Well, there's actually nothing wrong with the cookbook idea. It's just that pretty much everyone in my class has that very same idea, and i thought it would be kinda boring to do the same thing everyone else does. But if there was something special with my cookbook that made it stand out, i guess i could go for it.
Anyways, thanks for the help and the ideas everyone :thumb:

And at the Gymnasium, we do have math, enlish, chemistry, physics etc. depending on what direction we are going.
Me for example, since i want to become a chef, i don't have to learn chemistry, physics etc. but i do have to take a math and english course, probably because they doesn't want our brains to shrink up and whitter away right before we go of to university.
Our math courses are:
Math A
Math B
Math C
Math D
Math E
Math Discreet

But since i don't "need" to be good at math to be a chef i am only obligated to learn Math A.
But i still have the choice to take the Math B, C, D etc. courses if i wish to.
ah, a cookbook. Some ideas for foods would be:
Beef Stroganoff
That Cake Off Portal (Triple Layered Mud-Cake I believe)
Tunafish Pie
That's all I can get off the top of my head.

Maybe in the front you could put like a conversion guide (oz. - grams; millilitires - litres; etc.) and cooking tips.

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