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Would it be possible to ahve something like this? A scene (As in callable in a script with $scene = Scene_Options.new) in which you can configure certain options, incluidng, but not limited too
  • BGM Volume
  • BGS, SE and ME Volume
  • Hue/Color Tone of Window Skin (Either that or change windowskin)
  • Full Screen/Not Full Screen (For those who don't know Alt+ENTER)
I am not 100% certain how others have done this, but for the volume, you can alias the .volume method in RPG::AudioFile to have a default, and throw some accessors in Game_System that sets a default level.

The same could be said for window skil code.

The full screen toggle just requires an api call that toggles the screen.

Theres a few options systems floating around. You could try to contact slipknot, as I know he has a decent one.

Then again, if you are requesting one...

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