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Satellite to hit Earth


As you can see, a satellite may be hitting Earth. Hopefully it won't cause any serious damage, considering that satellites aren't too big. However it could still be a serious situation if it lands in the wrong place. Anyway because I was bored here's what will happen as a result. (NOTE: This is just a joke  :smile:)

http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i218/ ... hedeck.jpg[/img]

And we all know what's going to happen!

http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i218/ ... by_lip.jpg[/img]


I was bored so I photoshopped this XD ENJOY

Anyway it shouldn't do too much damage if it hits. Hopefully...
Wow that's a horrible post, instead of interesting us with a tid bit to get us to view the link you shop a smash bros. joke.  Next time give me something to see to make me want to click the link, and then make the joke.

As for the article, jeebus christi there's a lot of unknowns on that thing.
May hit in February or March, may contain hazardous materials, may hit somewhere but we're not sure where.  Could risk exposure of US secrets.  God this is a fun flop.



Judging from the posts we've seen so far in this thread, hollywood has massively mislead us about alien attacks, I mean in films you see people screaming and running for there lives as fast as they can, when in reality it would consist of a lot of young angry men who have played to many Alien based FPS (naming no names) saving the planet there own way.

Ahhh video games make me so proud sometimes *sniff*
Don't worry humans I have a fool proof plan to defeat alien invaders :wink:

Buuuuut, if the plan goes wrong we all die........No seriously we will all die if my plan fails xD (Won't say why though)

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