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Samurai Ragnarok

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the current argument on the table:
Which font looks better in the game

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... dfontB.png[/img]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... dfontS.png[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... battle.png[/img]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... ewfont.png[/img]

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... lfontS.png[/img]
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... lfontB.png[/img]

Now we need your help as the viewers to decide what you believe would be more economical for Samurai Ragnarok in terms of readabliity... please cast your opinion...
The new font fits the whole samurai thing pretty well, but the old font is more readable without looking too plain. I'd go with the old font for the sake of better readability.
Personally i like the new font. like Skie Fortress said, the old font is easier to read, but if you check others games such as the Naruto games or just about any game you will notice that there is a huge variety of Fonts. I dout the Font makes a huge diffence so it's really up the game designers personal taste.

You should put Screens of the maps

But the rest is awesome *-*

I Love the characters and the art works
I hope this isn't necroposting.... (again!!) but i'm actually able to post an update relevant to this game today (tonight)

I've been thinking that i have to sprite 21+ character (not including random bad guys) by myself... so i decided to take a different art drection (approach) to the characters within the battle system...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/ ... telina.gif[/img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v304/DarkSyDaZ/Samurai%20Ragnarok/Katelina-battlesize.gif[/img]

Using illustrator i was able to create this sample sprite (it was a little more complex than i thought) but the sample sprite was created using Adobe Illustrator vs the Sprited one. I think the Illustrator-ed one has more of an appeal that captures the art style a little better than the sprites... it still uses 6 frames of action but this is as far as i have it thus far... i might change the hair and keep that static... but please give crits and critiques...

Tho i do apologize for not updating this project in a long time... i am still working towards it...
Holly molly!
You did that on Ilustrator?!

Well... the new concept really captures an art style... I`m not sure yours though. Mainly cuz its face, its generic anime and I dont see that in yout drawing style, however it looks great.
You should totally go for this new style(and make it more your style), its lot cleaner and cuz of the sprite being bigger it`ll fit better in the battle screen, not so much empty space
This thread has been dead for like two years and to reply with something with no real helpful substance isnt very helpful. Its not a huge deal, I understand you are new, but now you know. Check out the rules before posting, we have a necroposting rule. :)
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