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Rune Script


I am looking for something that I will simply call a Rune Stone Script.

Basically for each piece of armor and weapon you would beable to equip an item called a rune stone.

Now, here's the thing, the rune stones are created by the player from objects you can buy/find called ylem stones. Basically, the player has three choices when making the rune stone.

He can....
dump all of his SP points in it as an SP bank.
Dump all his SP in it, giving it an elemental attack.
dump all his SP in it, and selecting a spell to place in


If he makes it into an SP bank, when he equips it on a weapon/armor, he needs to be able to pull SP off of it. Once all the SP is removed from the rune stone, it changes back into ylem stone.

If he gives it an elemental attack/defense property. It will...
.....add elemental damage to attack if on weapon.
....add elemental defese if on armor.
Each time this is used the SP will drop by a small number. Once the SP is dropped to 0, th rune stone turns back into ylem stone.

If he puts a spell in the weapon/armor, it will cast the spell for him when he chooses to do so. The spell takes it's cost from the weapon/armor's SP. When the weapon/armor's SP is down to 0, the rune stone turns back to yelm stone.

If a rune stone turns back to ylem stone, it no longer has any of the given properties. It will however be able to change back to a rune stone, should the player make it back into a rune stone.

Also the rune stones need to be able o be recharged. The player should be able to recharge any equipped rune stones by spending a percentage of his own SP. Thus replenishing the rune stone's spent SP.

The spells or effects of the rune stone should only be able to be used when the rune stone is equipped.

I imagine this may be a difficult script to make. Hopefully however it can be made.
Ok, here are some pics that I created using Paint. Hopefully these pics will better explain what I am wanting to do...

Here is the regular equip menu, showing just your regular equipment. Please note that I am using a script that allows for multiple equipment spots...

Here is the same menu. I put a little + next to the Mythril Shield to indicate that it has a rune stone on it. I would rather of course use some sort of icon to represent the stone.

Here is the menu to go into to create a rune stone. I want to make it so that you can access it at any tim from your main menu. I showed the steps here on creating a rune stone. You would need to have ylem stones, which is n item I can make for the game for buying or finding. Then you need to spend all of the main players ( or perhaps able to choose a character) SP (I list SP as SA in my game, but it means the same thing.). After wards you are able to select 1 of three things to make the rune stone do.

Now I went into detail in my first post on what those three things are, so I don't think I need to do so again here. However, about the elements, you need to be able to choose an element I guess, unless you ca make it a way that each character has their own element, and thus the element put into the stone is based off of the element of the character who spent their SP to make the stone.

Again, this picture details the steps of putting a rune stone on a weapon/armor. This should only be done at a shop, perhaps a shop specifically designed for this. Not only d you choose from a list of rune stones you have made (thus th player needs to have made a rune stone, you can't buy them)but you also have to pay so much money.

After the rune stone is put on the weapon/armor, the weapon/armor should say something to the effect. This could be done in 2 ways. 1.) have a little descript by the enhanced peivce telling what kind of effect it has been given, and how many charges are left; 2.) be able to name the created stone and list charges left.

Anyways I hope this better explains the Rune Stone system. If not or if their needs some more clarification, please let me know.

Thanks for your time and help.

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