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Ruby Scripting Tutorials for RPG Maker

Part 1

Part 2
Hey; I only watched tutorials 1 and 2. I dont have much to say about 1, and the doing this is a really good initiative! :thumb:
But I have problems with 2.
You made some errors in my opinion:

- @@variable isn't a global variable, it's a class variable, that is initialized when the script is loaded. It's a bit like a singleton variable, but every instances of that class can access it.
The fact that you can define it directly without defining a class; is because the context is in the "main" object. the main object is the root context of execution of a ruby program and is an instance of the class Object. ( you can check that by doing "print self" and print "self.class".

- attr_accessor/reader/writer : it's a good shortcut and you said it created methods, yes that's right; but you should have shown what it did by creating your own method doing that; and the pros/cons of using attr_.

- Any method taking parameters can be called without parenthesis, it's not just print.

- you should explain the before anything else the concepts of OOP and how it's applied to ruby, going through the basic types and such, what's a class, what's a method, what's a module etc... Tutorial 1 should actually be tutorial "100" lol. Go through the syntax of the language.

Finally, you could explain all that outside of RPG Maker, using an interactive ruby console( by installing ruby on your pc (rubyinstaller.org) and a good text editor ( notepad++ for example or SciTe). At least for the basics of the language, before doing anything in RM. (save times by avoiding "apply, close, save project, test project" )
EDIT: a bit like these guy does in his series of tutorials for ruby: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W7MJrAz ... re=related
Seems I forgot to keep this thread up to date. Here are the most recent tutorials.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
A couple more new tutorials
Part 1
Part 2

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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