RPG Maker XP Tutorial - The Basics
RPG Maker XP is a rather great program, however, many people do not fully understand it's capacity and do not know how to do the things they want. In a sense, nearly anything is possible in that program, it's just figuring out how to do it that' the problem. This tutorial will cover the basics of starting up your RPG Maker XP game and make it fairly decent.
RPG Maker VX
On a quick, short side-note, I would just like to say that I woud prefer to use RPG Maker XP over VX, especially if you are new to using RPG Makers. Personally, I think that the only 'upgrade' from XP to VX is the Battlers. If you like you can take the battlers from VX's RTP and place them in the Standard RPG Maker XP one.
Part One - "Getting Started"
If you're not going to spend time on your game, then do not bother starting one. If you want to make a game then you're going to have to schedule some time aside to sit down and just work on your game. Also, if you don't plan on paying for the full license, then you have 30 days to create your game.
Ok, starting is simple. We just open up RPG Maker XP and click the 'Page' icon in the toolbar at the top of the application. A window asking you for the name of the game and the game directory (where game file and more will be held) will be. Just put them both as what you want your game to be called and click 'ok'. Wait and you'll be brought to a blank map full of grass. Ignore this for now and click 'Tools' then 'Database'.
The Database is where you can customize most features in your game and give it a unique sense. Believe it or not, there are some game makers who have never opened the database, yet still made a game. However, these had the default title and more. This doesn't make your game look good. Infact, it's rather a sign that says you are a noob and that your game is not worth playing.
If opening it for the first time, you'll be on the 'Actors' tab. If not, click it. By default, you'll have 8 actors in your party. Let's say for example you just want you. Click 'Change Maximum' and change it to how many you want with you. In this case, '1'. Now for the name. Let's say you don't want it to be Aluxes but you want to be able to put it as whatever you want. Ok, click 'Ok' (not 'Cancel' or changes will not be saved) and create an event on your map, by clicking the 'Cube' icon on the toolbar and double-clicking a square (tile) on your map.
Part Two - "The Database"
Now double-click '@>' to create a new event action. Select tab '3' and click 'Name Input Processing...'. Select which character you want to change the name for, in which case it's 001 for the main character (the player) and choose the amount of characters (letters, symbols ect.). After this, go to the bottom left of the event window and look for the 'Trigger' setting. Check the 'Autorun' trigger so that the event runs as soon as that map loads. However, if this is the case, there'll have to be an action that causes the event to be deleted to prevent the event from looping. Click on '@>' again to create a new action and select tab '1'. Click 'Control Self Switch...' and make 'Switch A' turn 'On'. This activates Self Switch A. Now simply select the large button at the top stating 'New Event Page'. Now just look to the left of the event window for the 'Conditions' setting. Check 'Self Switch' and put it on 'A'. Now click 'ok'. This makes it so that after you input your name, it'll activate a switch which meets the conditions to turn to another event page, which is blank.
Ok, now your name is saved. But how do we implement it into text? On your map create a new event and double-click the blank area under 'Graphic:'. Find a good character sprite you want and double click the graphic on the right. Now create a new action and 'Show Text...'. Now just put some random text for example, 'Hello, \n[1]." \n[1] is what to type when you want your name mentioned. Press 'F2' to preview the text and if you're happy click 'Ok'. Now just start the game, input your name, talk to the other event you made and it should say your name.
Last thing to do is open the Database and under the Actors tab you can change your actor character and battler graphic. This makes a huge difference on the impact and impression that your game gives at first glance.
Part Three - "Making your Game Unique"
If you and a thousand other games use the default Title Screen and character (Aluxes) then your game is just going to be like those and crap to be honest. Open the database and select the 'System' tab. This is the place to customize your game, even if it's jut a little thing such a changing the default Title BGM, it still counts for something. Here are some graphics that you can use, however you may have to use paint to put your game name on them.
If you quickly exit database and click 'Tools' then 'Materialbase', you can import any files you have. Let's take an image from our documents and make it as our title screen. In Materialbase, just find what you want to import (Graphics/Titles in this case) and highlight it. Then click Import and find your file. Once that's done, you can go back to the database and on 'System', if you click the arrow next to 'Title Graphic' you'll be able to select your image and when you start the game, it'll be your title background! This works with everything else, including battlers, characters and practically any importable resource. Congratulations, your game is now 'unique'.
Part Four - "Mapping"
Mapping is by far one of the most important aspects of your game. Even if you just want to get on with your storyline, you're going to have to do some decent mapping and not just throw together some tiles in random places. First off just highlight your default map and hit the space bar. Now select the tileset you like. Experiment with them and choose which one suits your area. I'm chooing 'Post Town In'. Now let's start mapping.
First thing that I would like to stress is that all building have walls. Just like below, use the walls, floor and 'roof' autotile on 'Layer 1'[/img] of your map.[/img]
From there it's smooth sailing, just remember to take a look around and see how things are actually placed, rather than rushing or just putting random objects onto the map. Also remember, that 'main objects' go on Layer 2[/img] and smaller objects and details go on Layer 3[/img]. I'm not going to continue with mapping as I'm no expert and it's pretty simple if you use your brain. Remember to use events that 'Transger Players' to other maps.
Part Five - "Basic Quests"
Now you've got your game up and running but you have no storyline. It's time to make some basic quests. First off we just make a simple event and give it a graphic. Now create some text saying (for example):
"Please turn on the water again, I am thirsty and the switch has been turned off."
Now, after that we must create a new action which 'Controls Switches' and name the first switch 'Water Quest Begun' (or something similiar). Make it so that it gets switched on and create a new event page on which the Conditions are 'Switch... ''Water Quest Begun'' is On'. Then change the graphic to the same as the first event page and put some text (example):
"The water's still not working! Please turn the switch on! It's around here somewhere!"
Now leave the quest-giver for now and create another event. Check 'Direction Fix' and give it the graphic '179-Switch02' (I recommend for now). Now, once created it put a text message on it saying something like:
"It's a metal lever. I shouldn't touch it for no reason."
Now create a new Event Page and set the Conditional switch to 'Water Quest Begun'. If Water Quest has been begun then put a message like:
"This is the switch to turn the water back on."
Then if you select Tab '2' in the events section you can 'Play SE' for switch and 'Set Move Route...' for the event to 'Turn Left', 'Turn Right', 'Turn Up' and then ok. After those two have been done create another switch called 'Water Quest Completed' and activate it. Create a new event page on the lever with conditions as switches 'Water Quest Begun' and 'Water Quest Complete' 'On' and change the graphic to the same as last but this time as if it's been turned. Now leave it with no interaction and create a new Event Page on the quest-giver. Give them the same graphic and set the Conditions to Switches 'Water Quest Begun' and 'Water Quest Complete' 'On'. Now make the quest-giver thank you and make them give you a reward by using actions from Tab '3' and then Control 'Self Switch A' 'On'.
Finally, make a new Event Page with the condition 'Self Switch A' on and put some thanking message such as:
"Oh, it's you again. Thanks for getting the water back on."
Ending Notes
It's quite easy to use RPG Maker XP. I learnt by myself and I'm good with it. It's just that you have to stay with problems longer rather than giving up or posting on the forums and expecting someone else to do it for you. Don't get me wrong, if you need help just post but think about the problem first. I hope I helped and cleared up some questions for you new RPG Makers. Have fun and make some awesome games!
- FoxtrotZulu
RPG Maker XP is a rather great program, however, many people do not fully understand it's capacity and do not know how to do the things they want. In a sense, nearly anything is possible in that program, it's just figuring out how to do it that' the problem. This tutorial will cover the basics of starting up your RPG Maker XP game and make it fairly decent.
RPG Maker VX
On a quick, short side-note, I would just like to say that I woud prefer to use RPG Maker XP over VX, especially if you are new to using RPG Makers. Personally, I think that the only 'upgrade' from XP to VX is the Battlers. If you like you can take the battlers from VX's RTP and place them in the Standard RPG Maker XP one.
Part One - "Getting Started"
If you're not going to spend time on your game, then do not bother starting one. If you want to make a game then you're going to have to schedule some time aside to sit down and just work on your game. Also, if you don't plan on paying for the full license, then you have 30 days to create your game.
Ok, starting is simple. We just open up RPG Maker XP and click the 'Page' icon in the toolbar at the top of the application. A window asking you for the name of the game and the game directory (where game file and more will be held) will be. Just put them both as what you want your game to be called and click 'ok'. Wait and you'll be brought to a blank map full of grass. Ignore this for now and click 'Tools' then 'Database'.
The Database is where you can customize most features in your game and give it a unique sense. Believe it or not, there are some game makers who have never opened the database, yet still made a game. However, these had the default title and more. This doesn't make your game look good. Infact, it's rather a sign that says you are a noob and that your game is not worth playing.
If opening it for the first time, you'll be on the 'Actors' tab. If not, click it. By default, you'll have 8 actors in your party. Let's say for example you just want you. Click 'Change Maximum' and change it to how many you want with you. In this case, '1'. Now for the name. Let's say you don't want it to be Aluxes but you want to be able to put it as whatever you want. Ok, click 'Ok' (not 'Cancel' or changes will not be saved) and create an event on your map, by clicking the 'Cube' icon on the toolbar and double-clicking a square (tile) on your map.
Part Two - "The Database"
Now double-click '@>' to create a new event action. Select tab '3' and click 'Name Input Processing...'. Select which character you want to change the name for, in which case it's 001 for the main character (the player) and choose the amount of characters (letters, symbols ect.). After this, go to the bottom left of the event window and look for the 'Trigger' setting. Check the 'Autorun' trigger so that the event runs as soon as that map loads. However, if this is the case, there'll have to be an action that causes the event to be deleted to prevent the event from looping. Click on '@>' again to create a new action and select tab '1'. Click 'Control Self Switch...' and make 'Switch A' turn 'On'. This activates Self Switch A. Now simply select the large button at the top stating 'New Event Page'. Now just look to the left of the event window for the 'Conditions' setting. Check 'Self Switch' and put it on 'A'. Now click 'ok'. This makes it so that after you input your name, it'll activate a switch which meets the conditions to turn to another event page, which is blank.
Ok, now your name is saved. But how do we implement it into text? On your map create a new event and double-click the blank area under 'Graphic:'. Find a good character sprite you want and double click the graphic on the right. Now create a new action and 'Show Text...'. Now just put some random text for example, 'Hello, \n[1]." \n[1] is what to type when you want your name mentioned. Press 'F2' to preview the text and if you're happy click 'Ok'. Now just start the game, input your name, talk to the other event you made and it should say your name.
Last thing to do is open the Database and under the Actors tab you can change your actor character and battler graphic. This makes a huge difference on the impact and impression that your game gives at first glance.
Part Three - "Making your Game Unique"
If you and a thousand other games use the default Title Screen and character (Aluxes) then your game is just going to be like those and crap to be honest. Open the database and select the 'System' tab. This is the place to customize your game, even if it's jut a little thing such a changing the default Title BGM, it still counts for something. Here are some graphics that you can use, however you may have to use paint to put your game name on them.[/img] ... width=1280[/img] ... width=1280[/img][/img] ... width=1280[/img] ... width=1280[/img] ... width=1280[/img] ... width=1280[/img]
If you quickly exit database and click 'Tools' then 'Materialbase', you can import any files you have. Let's take an image from our documents and make it as our title screen. In Materialbase, just find what you want to import (Graphics/Titles in this case) and highlight it. Then click Import and find your file. Once that's done, you can go back to the database and on 'System', if you click the arrow next to 'Title Graphic' you'll be able to select your image and when you start the game, it'll be your title background! This works with everything else, including battlers, characters and practically any importable resource. Congratulations, your game is now 'unique'.
Part Four - "Mapping"
Mapping is by far one of the most important aspects of your game. Even if you just want to get on with your storyline, you're going to have to do some decent mapping and not just throw together some tiles in random places. First off just highlight your default map and hit the space bar. Now select the tileset you like. Experiment with them and choose which one suits your area. I'm chooing 'Post Town In'. Now let's start mapping.
First thing that I would like to stress is that all building have walls. Just like below, use the walls, floor and 'roof' autotile on 'Layer 1'[/img] of your map.[/img]
From there it's smooth sailing, just remember to take a look around and see how things are actually placed, rather than rushing or just putting random objects onto the map. Also remember, that 'main objects' go on Layer 2[/img] and smaller objects and details go on Layer 3[/img]. I'm not going to continue with mapping as I'm no expert and it's pretty simple if you use your brain. Remember to use events that 'Transger Players' to other maps.
Part Five - "Basic Quests"
Now you've got your game up and running but you have no storyline. It's time to make some basic quests. First off we just make a simple event and give it a graphic. Now create some text saying (for example):
"Please turn on the water again, I am thirsty and the switch has been turned off."
Now, after that we must create a new action which 'Controls Switches' and name the first switch 'Water Quest Begun' (or something similiar). Make it so that it gets switched on and create a new event page on which the Conditions are 'Switch... ''Water Quest Begun'' is On'. Then change the graphic to the same as the first event page and put some text (example):
"The water's still not working! Please turn the switch on! It's around here somewhere!"
Now leave the quest-giver for now and create another event. Check 'Direction Fix' and give it the graphic '179-Switch02' (I recommend for now). Now, once created it put a text message on it saying something like:
"It's a metal lever. I shouldn't touch it for no reason."
Now create a new Event Page and set the Conditional switch to 'Water Quest Begun'. If Water Quest has been begun then put a message like:
"This is the switch to turn the water back on."
Then if you select Tab '2' in the events section you can 'Play SE' for switch and 'Set Move Route...' for the event to 'Turn Left', 'Turn Right', 'Turn Up' and then ok. After those two have been done create another switch called 'Water Quest Completed' and activate it. Create a new event page on the lever with conditions as switches 'Water Quest Begun' and 'Water Quest Complete' 'On' and change the graphic to the same as last but this time as if it's been turned. Now leave it with no interaction and create a new Event Page on the quest-giver. Give them the same graphic and set the Conditions to Switches 'Water Quest Begun' and 'Water Quest Complete' 'On'. Now make the quest-giver thank you and make them give you a reward by using actions from Tab '3' and then Control 'Self Switch A' 'On'.
Finally, make a new Event Page with the condition 'Self Switch A' on and put some thanking message such as:
"Oh, it's you again. Thanks for getting the water back on."
Ending Notes
It's quite easy to use RPG Maker XP. I learnt by myself and I'm good with it. It's just that you have to stay with problems longer rather than giving up or posting on the forums and expecting someone else to do it for you. Don't get me wrong, if you need help just post but think about the problem first. I hope I helped and cleared up some questions for you new RPG Makers. Have fun and make some awesome games!
- FoxtrotZulu