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RPG JS: Create your browser RPG in HTML5!

I thought this was pretty cool.



Create your RPG 2D browser using the JS framework called RPG based on EaselJs.

  • Free and Open Source
    Full documentation
    100% HTML5 and Javascript
    Commercial Use of the framework (*)
    Import maps RPG Maker XP
    100 preset animations (the same as RPG Maker XP)
Very cool to have an engine for online play! My only criticism is that the ABS looks pretty terrible; without pixelmovement it's just too blocky to work. But that can be easily remedied by altering the code, no?
I don't think changing Afar to this would be an upgrade.

This engine shows better potential for story telling than Afar, but I consider Afar to be more community directed than something made with the current outlook of this engine, it looks pretty much single-player only.

Personally, I don't really play JS/PHP web games for a single player experience.
I seem to be the only one not too impressed by this... essentially, what you get is a format that's meant for single player games (RM) on a media that's meant for multi-user information exchange instead of gaming (the internet, if you didn't figure it out) - and you don't even get the strong points of RMXP, being the dead-easy development environment with a dead-easy programming language, but instead are presented with javascript as the language of choice, which is not exactly your every day game programming language really, besides harder to learn than RGSS (while more widely spread, which is a plus).
I highly doubt that this is a worthy replacement for RMXP, and I definately don't think it's a better alternative for a game like Afar that's already established in an online environment. Now of course, future deployments may make this more interesting, however I doubt the media-platform-combination is a well-working one...

Well, we shall see.
I agree it's still pretty useless at the moment, but they are planning to do much more with this and that's what intrests me. Also, i'm pretty good with javascript but i'm pretty noob with rgss, so if this would ever become a real fullfledged engine i would be able to do all the scripting myself for once.
It's still very basic, but given on the next version they hope to have Importing of Events from RPG Maker XP, who knows, perhaps in the future you'll be able to just copy your entire project from RMXP into RPGJS.
Now I'd probably be quite hyped about this if I still used rmxp... however this does seem like an interesting concept and it could go somewhere once they get it really up and going. But then thats HTML 5 for you, I'll be interested to see what other game development related tools are released for html5.

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