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{RPG} Hush: Welcome to Purgatory (OOC)



Middlebroke High School, on the outside, looks like a typical and respectable school; its grades are good, its facilities are good, and parents never have any complaints.  However, underneath its calm exterior, one finds many organisations run by students vying for control of the school’s underground crime scene.  Apparently completely secret from teachers and parents, these groups war against each other simply for the power it lends them during their time at school; being in complete power would effectively mean being able to control the school.  At the heart of these wars are dangerous battles and behind them, scheming and underhand politics.

This RPG revolves around the members of such groups, their relationships with each other, their wars with other groups in the school, and, if it lasts that long, even their wars with similar groups from different schools.

It will start at the beginning of a new academic year; lots of groups will be looking for new recruits to draft, giving a chance for players to interact with each other right off the bat. As well as my own PC, I’ll also play various NPCs. I’m looking for, ideally, around five or six members to participate.

The setting is completely modern.  It isn’t set in any particular country because it doesn’t matter too much.
Physics can be stretched slightly (so unlikely things to happen may happen, including half a school being proficient fighters and possessing weapons of varying degrees of deadliness), but not broken entirely.  So no jumping off rooftops or summoning of monkey gods!

-Middlebroke High caters for the last three years of a kid’s education, from age 15 to 18. 
-Each year group has about 600 students, making it a very large school in all.
-The school is four floors high, with a basement beneath which is kept locked and cannot be accessed by most of the student population.
-It is also divided vertically into three sections, each painted and named a different colour: pink, blue and green.
-It has everything a regular school would: classrooms, a teacher’s lounge, a student lounge, labs, a cafeteria, a theatre, and a sports hall and swimming pool in a separate building.
(I'll post a map of the school before the RPG begins.)

-Monthly Battle: This practice takes place, unsurprisingly, once a month, as well as special battles taking place at the beginning of each academic year.  It is a kind of set-piece exhibition match, which anyone can participate in.  Battles happen around the school and anyone can turn up to watch.  Most of the school goes to watch these, and is a good place to show off one’s ability.  Groups also take them as opportunities to do some scouting for potential members.
More details of this event will be given during the RPG.

-There are four main organisations in the school’s underground.  Three are the largest groups in the constant battles for power.  The fourth is an unnamed group which works outside the battles.

The Upper Crust
-The largest and best-known group, since anyone can join.  Many different cliques are members, notably almost all jocks and juvies.  Many of its members are also just hangers-on who hope to rise up the social ladder by joining.

It is the least organised of the major groups, but its huge numbers (estimated at between 25-30% of the student body) make it the single most powerful group in the school.  Some believe that if it were properly organised, it could destroy the other two most powerful groups.

Their base of operations is the whole school in general, though in particular the student lounge (3rd Floor), where only its most elite members may tread.

Omnia Veritas
-The second of the three largest teams.  Smaller than the Upper Crust, but far more organised.

It concentrates on tactics over force or strength of numbers.  All members are brilliant tacticians, in and outside of battle.  They scout potential members from all other groups on the basis of being good strategists.

They also have a good intelligence division and a database of students, albeit a far less complete one than that of the Outside Organisation.

Their base of operations is a hidden room behind the library (2nd Floor).

-The third major group.  Like Omnia Veritas, it is smaller than the Upper Crust, but more elite.  The team leader will ask anyone to join whose personality he likes, regardless of ability.  As a result, many are just the leader’s friends.

Its core members are its strongest fighters and its core supporters are the leader’s closest friends.

Their base of operations is the basement beneath the school.

Outside Organisation
-A group operating independently of any other, whose specialty is intelligence, and whose members are generally unknown.  It organises the Monthly Battle match-ups, and has exact lists of the members of all Underground groups, as well as full information on those members.  They are also responsible for covering up all Underground activity from staff.

Their recruiting policy and base of operations are both unknown.

-There are also many other smaller groups, some working under the guise of a particular club or society.  Some such groups act as mini-businesses, others as mercenary groups lending their services to whoever pays out the most.  Some are independent, while others may only appear so (particularly the mini-business), when they are actually run by a larger group.




User Name: Bambi

Character Name: Jessica Wiles

Affiliation: The Upper Crust

Year of School: 2nd

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: Short and slim, a pretty 5’3â€

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