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RP Ideas Thread.



Okay, so this thread existed before but it got killed and I think it is a useful thread to have.

If you have an idea for an RP, suggest if here before typing up a wall of text only to find you have no takers and just wasted all that time.

I suggest you add any information you think might be necisarry. For example, whether it's freeform or a number system, the setting, how you intend characters to meet, any rules that may be unexpected (for example, you may need all characters to have something in common) and the like.
Gmanjudo":2fzo4j3q said:
Warcraft version of Starcraft Battlecrafters?

I would definetly play something like that if it is made like the Starcraft one you have right now. I know very little about Starcraft so that kind of limits my ability to partcipate in that, but it seems very intresting and fun.


Awesome Bro

I have the icons!


Night Elves:




Tauren: http://plaidapple.ithaca-ny.com/bs/wc/H ... Tauren.gif[/img]

Alright. I will be setting up a general plot and such in hopes that the members of my current Starcraft one will convert over. Not to mention KRAFT should join!!

I'll wait to see if there is a bit more interest though before going all out.
I wouldn't have the time to manage that many, though I would be willing to attempt to take on the task if I did. Luckily I might know someone willing to join the forums simply for that purpose. (In love with Preds, and has experience with verbal Rping for 5 years. he even had a feed club set up to partake in his verbal gaming at one point.)
I might eventually be interested in starting a trainerfic type RP (pokemon of course) with a group of a few trainers going through the league challenge. Of course this would be capped at only three-five participants and it'd probably get reallly long.

Also an RP set in the world of Sandfall.
I'm not all to familiar with the content of Sandfall, but I guess I will brush up on my knowledge if their would be an interesting RP based on it.

Not to mention You've seen my Sign up post for Pokemon recently right? I would be more than amazingly happy to join a trainerfic type.



I would love to join a trainerfic type and sandfall is a definite yes.


(Would it be the same as the old sandfall one or different?)
Despain":2wswfinz said:
I might eventually be interested in starting a trainerfic type RP (pokemon of course) with a group of a few trainers going through the league challenge. Of course this would be capped at only three-five participants and it'd probably get reallly long.

Heh, I was thinking of starting the same thing; either that or making an RMXP game based off of the idea... YOU KNOW YOU ALL WANNA PLAY A HALF KAIZER POKEMON GAME! XD.
Am I the only one who either
A) Doesn't know enough about pokemon to RP
2) Doesn't have the interest to RP pokemon
Heh, Des should take me on as a protégé so I can learn pokemon XD

Has anyone thought about having a complete spoof?
Play as the RTP.  Just have fun making fun of all the stereotypes and clichés of the common house hold run of the mill RPG.  Four crystals ftw!
You know.
Only actually make some sort of effort - serious effort - so it's not just lame boring and complete trife.
I like Powerdude's Death Note idea.
You could even take it a step further and have the Kiras and the detectives team up against each other.
I would certainly enjoy a Star Wars RP.  There doesn't appear to be an open RP at the moment, so I may get up the ambition to start one sooner or later (probably later - after school is finished for the year).  I'm new to this forum, but I've read the rules and a couple of RPs.  I'll have to do research before starting one on which ones are successful and the techniques used in them.  I have to start researching before doing/saying something, and this will be a great way to start the habit.

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