Information & Rules
General Information :
This forum is for tutorials only. If you aren't posting a tutorial, then find the correct forum to post your topic. If you are requesting a tutorial, request it here. Please take the time to read the other sticked topics. They are up there for a reason.
Approved Topics :
Unlike other forums, the tutorials forum topics must get a moderator approval before the thread is offically posted. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPOST YOUR THREAD. We will approve your thread as soon as we can. If you do not get your thread approved after 24 hours, then PM psgels or SephirothSpawn.
If your thread isn't approved, you did not meet the requirements for posting a tutorial (see below). You can recreate a new topic and try again, but threads not containing something useful, organized, etc. will not be approved.
Getting Topics Approved :If your thread isn't approved, you did not meet the requirements for posting a tutorial (see below). You can recreate a new topic and try again, but threads not containing something useful, organized, etc. will not be approved.
The following will increase your change in getting your tutorial approved :
Prime Example Tutorials :- Use English
Netspeak, bad grammar, bad sentence structure, etc. will get your thread deleted right off. You don't need to write college material, just basic high school level material. People are suppose to benefit from your tutorial, not to work on their interpreter skills. - Be organized
Have a plan made before you write the tutorial. Try something basic as introducing the tutorial, what you will be doing, steps or information about the tutorial, conclusion, demos, etc. Do not just throw something together that doesn't flow together. - Use screenshots, demos, pictures, etc.
Nothing makes a tutorial stand out like pictures or other visual enhancements. - Look at other approved tutorials.
If you are wanting an example of excellent tutorials, check below.
- Demystifying the Game Process[/FONT]
- Properly Writing in English[/FONT]
- RMXP Graphics Guide[/FONT]
- Create an Amazing Worldmap with Photoshop[/FONT]
- Simple Sprite Poses for RTP[/FONT]
- Mapping Tutorial[/FONT]
- More Interesting NPCs[/FONT]