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RMXP.org is looking for a website developer

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It has become clear that I simply can't hold down a full time job and girlfriend and still have time to both administrate and develop the forum's webpage. I've been settled for almost a month and the amount of nothing happening is a little depressing.

RMXP.org is looking to hire a third-party developer for our website. Ccoa is looking into professional services, but since many of our forumers are very skilled people, we agreed to allow applications from you folks as well.

Important: We are not looking for a designer but a developer. We have no shortage of skilled designers, although our developer will have room for creative input (if he/she desires to add it). No design experience is necessary and we are not interested in seeing samples of your design skills. It's great if you have them, we'll talk about it once we know if you can code.

-You must have a full working knowledge of at least PHP, CSS, and HTML, and a good understanding of SQL. Javascript is good too.
-You must be experienced at designing pages for both Internet Explorer and FireFox
-You should be at least somewhat familiar with forum software, although this is not mandatory.
-You must be reliable to support the site until the new design has been posted and the staff are familiar with its workings. After the staff can run the design, your work is complete (although you may be rehired to develop further later, if we are pleased with your work).

-You must have a basic resume describing your experience in the required areas, including at least 2 samples of prior development experience as well as references to confirm that those are in fact your work. The more samples you can provide, the more likely you are to be selected. Additionally, the more relevant your samples are to our needs, the more likely you are to be selected.
-PM me or Ccoa and we will tell you where to send your application.

RMXP.org will pay for services rendered. Billing is negotiable and will depend on the amount of work provided; our starting bid is $300 US.

Individuals without experience in CSS, HTML, PHP, and SQL need not apply. Individuals who cannot promptly provide service need not apply. Individuals who cannot provide adequate evidence of their experience need not apply. If it is clear you have posted in this topic without fully reading this opening post, you will be removed from this topic.

This topic is for asking questions about the job and what it entails. Do not post your applications here; PM me and I will tell you where to send them.
Myonosken said:
I'll send you my resume. I've been looking for some web design work.

Edit: Make that with you AM your time. I've just finished with some SQL work on the town.

didnt you leave the forums....

Also Erk I'd suggest looking for designers too. From what I've seen of what some of your staff members are proposing, the place will end up looking a lot more like some anime blog and less like a "professional" developer's site.

Then again if that's what you're going for....
This isn't really the kind of thing where we're looking for a fast learner, we're looking for someone that already knows what they're doing.
How about giving an example of the work we would need to be able to do.
I've wrote a forum in php and mysql but I know next to nothing about writing javascripts and ensuring websites work in browsers (although no one has had trouble with any browser on any site of mine to my knowledge) so I'm unsure whether or not to apply.



I'm sorry folks, but if you aren't confident enough in your skills to read that and thing "Yeah, no problem" then you aren't what we're looking for. I am a fast learner with a lot of experience, I have no need to pay someone to do what I can do.
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