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RMXP - Need help with a command window (probably easy!)

Okay, so this should be pretty simple to do, but I'm terrible with windows. I have a command window that has 25 options, and the options just go out of the bottom of the screen...how can I make this window have only 13 or 14 options, and scroll instead? By Zeus this seems so simple, and yet I've spent forever trying to figure it out. I've included a screenshot, and the code that calls the window. Thank you for the help!


    @commands = ["Health Points", "Magic Points", "Strength", "Power Defense",

                "Intelligence", "Magic Defense", "Agility", "Dexterity",

                "Skill", "Swords 1-20", "Daggers 21-35", "Axes 36-50" ,

                "Greatswords 51-55", "Katanas 56-70", "Spears 71-85",

                "Rods 86-100", "Staves 101-115", "Bows 116-130", "Guns 131-145",

                "L Armor 42-62,102-122", "M Armor 21-41,81-101",

                "H Armor 63-80,123-140", "Shields 1-20", "Accessory 141-188",


    @command_window = Window_Command.new(292, @commands)

    @command_window.back_opacity = 160

    @command_window.x = 160 - @command_window.width / 2

    @command_window.y = 0

    #@command_window.y = 240 - @command_window.height / 2

    @command_window.index = -1

    @command_window.active = false

    @command_window.visible = false

    width = 640 - @command_window.width - @command_window.x * 2
@command_window.height = 480

If you look in Window_Command, in the initialize method where it calls 'super'
It sets the height to commands.size * 32 + 32
If you force it smaller, then the bitmap (contents) will scroll.
vagrant":2ip7d08z said:
Awesome. I need a facepalm smiley for that one...Thanks!
Here you go:

Always glad when I can help.

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