Fantastic tutorial! Honestly, with just some minor editing, this should be included under a "Beginner's" section here. (And, to be perfectly honest, this was what I needed to get myself interested in using RPG Maker XP again. :grin: )
A few suggestions, if that's cool:
Is it possible to allow the user to explore the resources screen near the end? While it was nice to get a good rundown of all the basic tabs and what they did, it would have been nice to explore and poke around a few of the screens in your tutorial.
Perhaps some context sensitive items so that, if someone clicked on the classes tab, it gave a quick rundown based on the sections clicked. Even possibly hearing the included music and browsing the preloaded materials?
For your later stuff:As your tutorials get more advanced, you may want to increase the level of interactivity. This might take a bit of doing... and you may also need a way to prevent accidental loops. But this could provide a very informative, immersive, and entertaining experience!
I'm looking forward to your next one!