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Obviously I'm the villian. Over the years of rmxp I HAVE been sort of a bad guy after all. What with all the manipulations and behind the scenes bannings.
Oh wait, you're all not supposed to know about that. Carry on. Also: this seems like it's been thought of and shot down like 6 times now. Congratulations on your original idea though.
Looks like its coming along nicely now ^_^, oooo 3_32, how could i forget to add him. Currently trying to finish off character jister personalities and finishing Lenes Picture :P
I've seem this idea tried before on other forums. I'm sad to say that all attempts failed miserably . I hope this one works though, so good luck to all who take part in it's production ^_^.
I would be a good guy, but really useless, always just standing there with his eyes way to wide open, except for the rare time when he makes a good suggestion when he thinks hes kidding.