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RMXP Anime - Seeds



RMXP Anime - Seeds

Hello everybody, i was in the bath and i just thought, wouldn't it be cool to have an rmxp on the basis of characters from the RMXP site...basically i wan't your guys input on this, we need to decide on a story basis and the main characters it should have in it, if we get a good basis going, i can begin to animate it.

I apologise in advance if i have posted this in the wrong section, i was unsure where it should be places and its pretty general.

After i am satisfied, that we have reached enough people i will then start defining it down into better groups, deciding who will have a main role or secondary.

The Concept Of The World
In a world that vines off the power of Mana, the two Planetary Gods known as Sol and Luna look over the planet from Day to Night. People born when Luna is in the sky are born as Nocturnals and those born when Sol shines brightly are born as Diurnals.

Those born by Luna are able to draw more mana by the night and those born by Sol draw more mana by day. Those born by Luna are inclined more to the darkness therefore their Yang is higher then their Ying, but as for those born by Sol are inclined to the light therefore they have a higher Ying then their Yang.

But as well as Nocturnals and Diurnals there are cases of those who are born as Crepusculars, this happens when Luna and Sol both appear at the same time, but unlike Nocturnal and Diurnal those born as Crepusculars have no Ying or Yang...they control their destiny whether they seek to be evil or not. Crepusculars have the power to use Mana at their full potential at any time as they are not inclined to night or day.

Trickster - SephirothSpawns Twin Brother (both SephirothSpawn and Trickster were born as Crepusculars, they were known for their amazing control of mana ever since they were little. As kids they used to train in the woods to become stronger with their Mana.)


Green Raven
Lene - Hyped Up Girl
Yeyinde - Loves to boast about his IRGSS XD
Totti - Annoying know it all little brother.
Dark Zero
Erk - The clever and well presented genius of the group.
Treg - The comic relief of the group.
Mad Max VII
Volrath - Mysterious Masked Adonis
Roman Candle
Captian Jack - Creepy Wannabe Pirate
Twar3Draconis - Noob hater, makes it his life to annoy newbies.
Kiniko - Average character who sometimes comes out with good ideas.
Saint Minor
uzumakishade - A ninja with a grudge against pirates (especially captain jack)
Arcthemonkey - Teaches obscure skills to the main characters but they find to be somewhat very useful.
XP Learner
Zeke Katana
Tommy The Cat
High Mage Vivi

SephirothSpawn - Tricksters Twin Brother
Andy 6000
Sunrisehinode - Typical cheesy villain (e.g. Midboss from Disgaea)
Edible Face - A typically involved henchman
Maestro - Mad Irish Man
Graxiplon - Evil Blue Demon Thing :D
Pyromanga - An easily confused character, always trying to plot hair brained schemes
Dopples - Super perfetic enemy but never seems to go away, always annoying the main characters.
Mac - Yayyy me ^_^
Do you mean "characters" as in members of this forum? Or characters from games posted here? Either way, it would be pretty awesome. However, that sounds like a huge amount of work. Would you really be able to complete something like that?



As in people from the forum sorry, yeah i would...progress won't be exactly tremendously fast, but i can get it done easy enough ^_^
I think this is a way better idea than the forum game thing. Maybe a world similar to Bleach? Just a thought. And have the game centralize around a select few members of the forum, having other forum members make cameo appearances.
Lol that´s exactly what the Forum Game is supposed to be, with the difference that the members says if and how they want to appear. Some of them will have a special appear though.

BTW, better in which aspect? Mac doesn´t even have a clear idea, and we had not shown much yet about our story and such.
I just think members dictating every aspect of the game will skew the game off course. Of course, I haven't heard much recently about it. I also despised that quiz you guys sent me. I don't think I will ever take it.



Righty-o, yeah i was planning to have some certain members as main characters and i want you guys to say who should be the main characters...and slowly work on a world and strory adapted to this.

I vote ccoa, erk, sephirothspawn, trickster and treg. Anyone agree? Any others?
dZ(because, look at my sig, he hot!O_o) Green Raven, Lene, Yeyinde, and me(as someone's annoying know it all little brother).
I think so, but then I would be a genius, who tags a long with my cool older sibling, and shows everyone up with my amazing knowledge.
I think Me and pyromanga should be part of this, it sounds really cool, also you should include sunrisehinode in as a character that gets massacred every episode (like kenny XD) but if you want I could help out with this and that ^__^;



Updated it ^_^, started drawing Lene's character XD

Ummm i think i'll be fine mm7, thanks for the offer, i will ask if need ^_^

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