Script Name: Ammo Requirements
Written by: Synthesize
Current Version: V.1.00
Release Date: August 15, 2007
What is it?
With this script the actors can only attack and/or do specific skills if they have enough ammo in the inventory. The designer can set every weapon to use it's very own unique ammo count and ammo easily via the options at the top.
Haha your funny.
- Each weapon can use a different amount of ammo (Say a shotgun fires 5 rather then a pistol which fires 1)
- Each weapon can have it's own ammo
- Easily define skills that require ammo and the amount of ammo needed
- Skills use the current equipped weapons ammo rather then a defined value.
The Script
Place in a New Script Above Main.
This script may be used in either a commercial project or a free ware project free of charge. However, credit must be present somewhere in the project.
Feel free to redistribute this post to other boards/websites. Just keep the wording the same. As for editing the script to suite your tastes feel free. Just keep the original header/footer in tact.
If you have any questions or you found a bug, please PM me or make a post with the following:
1.) SDK Version
2.) Other Scripts
3.) Factors of the bug (What did you do to make it happen?)
4.) version
5.) Error Line
This is an old script I made, but I never did post it here =/
Written by: Synthesize
Current Version: V.1.00
Release Date: August 15, 2007
What is it?
With this script the actors can only attack and/or do specific skills if they have enough ammo in the inventory. The designer can set every weapon to use it's very own unique ammo count and ammo easily via the options at the top.
Haha your funny.
- Each weapon can use a different amount of ammo (Say a shotgun fires 5 rather then a pistol which fires 1)
- Each weapon can have it's own ammo
- Easily define skills that require ammo and the amount of ammo needed
- Skills use the current equipped weapons ammo rather then a defined value.
The Script
Place in a New Script Above Main.
# Syn's Ammo Requirements
# Written by Synthesize
# Version 1.00
# August 15, 2007
# Tested with SDK 2.1
# Customization Section
module Ammo
# Format = {weapon_id => Ammo_cost}
Range_weapons_id = {17 => 1}
# Format = {weapon_id => Item_id
Range_ammo_id = {17 => 33}
# Format = {skill_id => Ammo_cost}
Skill_ammo = {73 => 3}
# Note on Skills: When using Skills the Current Ammo for the equipped
# weapon will be used. So if Skill 73 is used and Weapon 17 is equipped
# then Ammo #33 will be used.
# Begin Scene_Battle
class Scene_Battle
# Alias Methods
alias syn_scene_battle_range make_basic_action_result
alias syn_scene_battle_skill make_skill_action_result
# Alias the Attacking method
def make_basic_action_result
# Gather the current Ammo Cost
gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Range_weapons_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
# Gather the Current Ammo
gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
# Check if the Active Battler is attacking and if they are using a ranged weapon
if @active_battler.current_action.basic == 0 and Ammo::Range_weapons_id.has_key?(@active_battler.weapon_id)
# Check the Ammo Count
if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
# Sufficient Ammo, remove item
# Insufficient Ammo
@help_window.set_text("#{} cannot attack due to insufficient Ammo", 1)
# Call Default Code
# Alias the Skill method
def make_skill_action_result
# Gather the current Ammo Cost
gather_ammo_cost = Ammo::Skill_ammo[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id]
# Gather Ammo
gather_ammo = Ammo::Range_ammo_id[@active_battler.weapon_id]
# Check if the Actor is using a defiend skill
if Ammo::Skill_ammo.has_key?(@active_battler.current_action.skill_id)
# Check if Ammo is present
if $game_party.item_number(gather_ammo) >= gather_ammo_cost
# Sufficient Ammo, remove item
# Call Default Code
# Set Window; Do Nothing
@help_window.set_text("#{} cannot attack due to insufficient Ammo", 1)
# Otherwise SKip the check and call default code
# Written by Synthesize
# Special Thanks: ~Emo~ for the request
# Ammo Requirements
This script may be used in either a commercial project or a free ware project free of charge. However, credit must be present somewhere in the project.
Feel free to redistribute this post to other boards/websites. Just keep the wording the same. As for editing the script to suite your tastes feel free. Just keep the original header/footer in tact.
If you have any questions or you found a bug, please PM me or make a post with the following:
1.) SDK Version
2.) Other Scripts
3.) Factors of the bug (What did you do to make it happen?)
4.) version
5.) Error Line
This is an old script I made, but I never did post it here =/