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RMVX World tileset+ for RMXP

This resource uses material from the RPG Maker VX RTP, the license of which applies. The editor must be owned to use this resource, and it may only be used in software the license allows.

This is a tileset that was modified from the world tileset from RMVX, it has been modified to fit with RMXP. I originally posted this tileset on the old site before the name change and on a different account(which i lost).

Along with the tileset comes the auto-tiles that fits with the pack. I posted it in standalone because it is what it is.

Feel free to use it as you wish, its not my own as its baiscally a rip, but i would like credit for transfering and modifying the tileset from the original version. It took me a while to modify it.

Here is the file on dropbox.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/56190668/RMXP/R ... 1.2%29.rar

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