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RMVX Status Icons in XP format

I don't actually know if this is legal or not. I have not read the RMVX EULA. I would assume, however, that it is not copyright-abiding were you to use these resources in a game, based on their past EULA's.

Ripping isn't copyright-abiding, either, and people post them here, so I don't see why this can't continue, but please note that you may be committing copyright infringement to use these in a commercial game.

That's not really up for discussion, though. The Copyright Law thread is in RMXP Discussion.

Anyway yeah, nice rips :')
Yeah, I'm sure it would be illegal to use in a commercial game.  But there's no way we can control what people use them for, so I don't think we should close this.

@Evilupstart: Yeah, that's actually why I ripped them haha.  I thought I'd share them with everyone else, especially since I NEVER contribute anything, and I'm always begging for scripts and stuff lol.

@Bgander2: There is a trial version available in Japanese.  Go get it, it's pretty exciting to try it.  The resources it gives you are severely limited though, and you can't save projects or anything.
Ven i doubt there's any illegality as long as they aren't used for profit, since they'll eventually be released in RPGmaker VX's rtp which is all free resources
Mascarpone, c'mon. C'maaaaaaaaahn.

I got a Copyright Thread, you know it! Let's save the Copyright discussion for there. :'D PlsThxBai

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