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RM2K DBS remake

I remember someone was asking this in .net, but apparently he disappeared. I myself actually don't ask for this, since I am using RMXP DBS, but maybe someone wants to use RM2K DBS instead?

Here's what RM2K DBS if you don't ever use RM2K. I'm sorry I no longer have RM2K games to make screenshots, but if I find it I'll make some.

In common, actors' battlers are not shown as in RMXP. It's still the same turn-based system though. Upon entering the battle, there's a message showing name of monsters engaging within. For example, if the enemy troop is Ghost*2, the mesage would appear like this:

Ghost appears!
Ghost appears!

After a short delay, player is given 3 choices: Attack, Auto-Battle, and Run. I'm not explaining Run as it's always the same. Roughly, it will appear like this:

| Attack | Arshes [Normal] |
| Auto   | Basil  [Normal] |
| Run    | Gloria [Normal] |
|        | Felix  [Normal] |

The right part of this window actually holds all actors' name and stats, but it's really cut off the screen (so don't think I drawed it mistakenly).

I'll go though Auto-Battle first.

If we choose Auto-Battle, the battle is automatically initiated (in RMXP DBS, I think it would skip phase3 from phase2 and go straight into phase4), so we no longer have to choose targets. I forget whether actors can use skills in this case, but let's consider they can't for now. I think someone has already made auto-battle script...

If we choose Attack, the window slides a little to the left and it will look roughly like this:

| Arshes [Normal] HP 999/999 MP 999/999 | Attack |
| Basil  [Normal] HP 999/999 MP 999/999 | Magic  |
| Gloria [Normal] HP 999/999 MP 999/999 | Defend |
| Felix  [Normal] HP 999/999 MP 999/999 | Items  |

The rest is as usual, except for one thing. When choosing a single target, instead of that tiny yellow, a new window consists of enemes' name appears. We then choose one from there.

When the battle engage, all windows are hidden and a notification window appears instead. It would consists of one's act and the result. For example:

Arshes attacks!
(animation goes as usual; the target blinks if damaged)
Ghosts receives 12 HP damage!
(the message pauses for about 3 seconds here, and next message appears)
(let's pretend that Fire 1 does damage to all foe)
Gloria uses Fire 1!
Ghosts receives 9 HP damage!
Ghosts receives 8 HP damage!
(pause again...)
(the enemy blinks, but the attack animation is not shown at this stage)
Ghosts attacks!
(if target actor is damaged, the screen shakes left-right a little while the following message appears)
Arches receives 3 HP damage!
(pause again... this is the last message example of all possible actions)
Ghosts uses Fire 1!
(the magic animation cast by enemy, once again, is not shown here. If damaged, screen shakes per person who is damaged. So, in this example...)
Arshes receives 4 HP damage! (screen shakes)
Basil receives 5 HP damage! (screen shakes again)
Gloria dodges! (no Miss! text will appear if this happen, as opposed to RMXP, instead a movement SE will play)
Felix receives 1 HP damage! (screen shakes for the last time)

And so on.

But... instead of making it exactly the same as RM2K, and before everyone else say "Why not using RM2K then?", let's think of some improvements, maybe like these:

1. If same enemy type appears within the troop, instead of saying "X appears!" multiple times, the message will say "N X appear!" where N is the number of enemy. For example, within my enemy troop there are 2 Ghosts and 1 Bee. Instead of saying this:

Ghost appears!
Ghost appears!
Bee appears!

let's say this:

2 Ghosts appear!
Bee appears!

or simpler:

Ghost 1 appears!
Ghost 2 appears!
Bee appears!

As for this example, there is one more thing. When attacking, instead of showing:

Ghost attacks!

which we will never know which ghost attacks (although the visual blink will tell us), let's say:

Ghost 1 attacks!

2. Let the arrow-pointing system of RMXP replaces the name-pointing system in RM2K. I think it's better to point at the enemy rather than the name; it can be very confusing to choose one of (possibly) 10 same names!

So far, that's all I can think of.

Anyone interested to make this?

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