I read everything, but what you posted was the reason you think they did it. DREAM and Susano'o is there to prove that encrypt audio with a reasonable security (at last better than the default one) is possbible. But let's be pratical, they could encrypt the audio if they wanted to, specially with that weak encryption. In fact the encryption should be like the one on Susano'o from the start, changing the file format and making them readable only by the project.All your last sentence tells me is that you did not read my post fully. I explained clearly why they decided against encrypting audio files.
Or you really think that someone that use "DEAD CAFE" as magic key is really worried about security?
Ok, so my "rage" has no reason, and Eb! had a lot of reasons for making that poorly coded classes, and removing a lot of features from RMXP and VX... oh wait, they didn't really had any reason except for the lazyness...Otherwise your whole "rage" against Enterbrain is not founded by anything else than rage for the sake of hating something.
If i had 1/10 of the financial support Eb! have, i could do it very easly... But sadly i have to work to eat and pay bills, even my free time i'm having to spend making money, and can't pay employees to work on it, like a big company could... And also we're talking about a TEAM of developers, that are PAID to do something good. But the fact that i can't do better, no matter the reason, doesn't mean automatically that the program is perfect...If Enterbrain is lazy and I'm wrong then you make it better and prove it.
Also if you think everything is sooo good, why you're making systems to change that? Like this one: viewtopic.php?f=179&t=74432
Eb! script installation is perfect no? Oh, no... a single person made something that should be there since from the start... Eb! claim that RM is for people to make games without programing skills, but someone totally without it can't install scripts at ease with a few clicks...
I don't see a point in that, since it's already possible to use non-ecrypted audio. (or at last was, i didn't test the latest version) I think that you should only make possible to choose what encrypt, if people don't want to encrypt audio it would be skiped.