http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... enshot.png[/img]
At last! The EXL pack of Rice Field (a.k.a. Rye.jp) Battle System is finally out! Mwahahahahaha....!!! *cackles maniacally* Many interesting things in this battle pack such as RTAB system, custom battle status, and many more are included here. So check it out!
XRXS RTAB system.
Custom battle status
Individual "Escape" command
And most important, no more "No Weapon Equip" errors! :D
Known Bugs
Can't change the battler graphic during battle (Currently trying to fix it)
Q: How do you set ranged weapons?
A: Go down to line 306 in cbs.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... tled-2.png[/img]
Add a comma to the number there and add the id of the ranged weapon (Such as guns and bows) in your weapon tab.
Q: How do you set the difference between Mellee Skill, Ranged Skill and Magic?
A: Well, the real difference between Mellee Skill and Magic is in their STR-F and INT-F. Take a look on the picture below.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... ed-1-2.png[/img]
If you add number(s) in the STR-F, then it'll be considered as Mellee Skill, and vice-versa. But if you want to set them manually in the script, go to line 318 of the CBS Script.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... tled-3.png[/img]
There you can set the id of any mellee, ranged, or magic skill at ease.
Q: How do you set the icon bar for the characters and enemies?
A: That's simple. go to the line 14 of the CP "Order Synthesize Gauge" script in script editor.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... tled-4.png[/img]
There, you could put the individual characters and enemies id(s) and their respective icon file name.
Q: About the battle status, How do i set the pictures of my character to fitly shown up on the battle status ?
A: The battler picture must be exactly 60x60 in size and must be named EXACTLY as same as your character graphic.
Q: I can't change character graphic during battle! What happened?
A: Well, i'm currently trying to fix it. So just wait and see how the miracle works. ;p
Q: Is it true you got rid that "No weapon Equipped" error?
A: Ummm.... Well.... See for yourself. ;D
Q: What is the meaning of EXL, anyway?
A: Oh, don't bother. It's just a tag to grab your attention. Pretty catchy, isn't it? :P
Q: Help! I got *insertwhateveryouwanthere* errors when using this script!
A: Post it here! Maybe i could help. But, please, be detailed, okay?
A little screenshot would be okay.
Download!!! V.0.1!!!
Rice Field
And last but not least, me.
C&C is appreciated! :D
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... enshot.png[/img]
At last! The EXL pack of Rice Field (a.k.a. Rye.jp) Battle System is finally out! Mwahahahahaha....!!! *cackles maniacally* Many interesting things in this battle pack such as RTAB system, custom battle status, and many more are included here. So check it out!
XRXS RTAB system.
Custom battle status
Individual "Escape" command
And most important, no more "No Weapon Equip" errors! :D
Known Bugs
Can't change the battler graphic during battle (Currently trying to fix it)
Q: How do you set ranged weapons?
A: Go down to line 306 in cbs.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... tled-2.png[/img]
Add a comma to the number there and add the id of the ranged weapon (Such as guns and bows) in your weapon tab.
Q: How do you set the difference between Mellee Skill, Ranged Skill and Magic?
A: Well, the real difference between Mellee Skill and Magic is in their STR-F and INT-F. Take a look on the picture below.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... ed-1-2.png[/img]
If you add number(s) in the STR-F, then it'll be considered as Mellee Skill, and vice-versa. But if you want to set them manually in the script, go to line 318 of the CBS Script.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... tled-3.png[/img]
There you can set the id of any mellee, ranged, or magic skill at ease.
Q: How do you set the icon bar for the characters and enemies?
A: That's simple. go to the line 14 of the CP "Order Synthesize Gauge" script in script editor.
http://i262.photobucket.com/albums/ii89 ... tled-4.png[/img]
There, you could put the individual characters and enemies id(s) and their respective icon file name.
Q: About the battle status, How do i set the pictures of my character to fitly shown up on the battle status ?
A: The battler picture must be exactly 60x60 in size and must be named EXACTLY as same as your character graphic.
Q: I can't change character graphic during battle! What happened?
A: Well, i'm currently trying to fix it. So just wait and see how the miracle works. ;p
Q: Is it true you got rid that "No weapon Equipped" error?
A: Ummm.... Well.... See for yourself. ;D
Q: What is the meaning of EXL, anyway?
A: Oh, don't bother. It's just a tag to grab your attention. Pretty catchy, isn't it? :P
Q: Help! I got *insertwhateveryouwanthere* errors when using this script!
A: Post it here! Maybe i could help. But, please, be detailed, okay?
Download!!! V.0.1!!!
Rice Field
And last but not least, me.
C&C is appreciated! :D