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[RGSS] [RMVX] Anti-Lag



He's looking into the bugs now. Thanks so much for telling us about them.

Fixed & Updated!
1.2d March 14th 4:12am EST: Fixed errors with vehicles, passability, and airship landing.



First: my newest project wouldn't be possible without this script! Keep up the good work  :thumb:

Bug report:
I noticed that the game crashes when events are set to move diagonally! (when the anti-lag script is implementated)
Same with scripts that allow the player to move in 8 directions.

Hope Anaryu can fix that  :smile:
Xaiko":mveomvc1 said:
Bug report:
I noticed that the game crashes when events are set to move diagonally! (when the anti-lag script is implementated)
Same with scripts that allow the player to move in 8 directions.

Hope Anaryu can fix that  :smile:

I fixed that in the 8-way movement script here.  The way the anti-lag script functions, it's easier to fix it in the other script.



Kylock":2q9i98ed said:
I fixed that in the 8-way movement script here.  The way the anti-lag script functions, it's easier to fix it in the other script.

Thanks for the fix. If there are ever any other compatibility issues with other scripts, please feel free to let us know.
Yaoumei":s8blegbm said:
VGMasterIII":s8blegbm said:
I seriously feel like strangling you for putting it into a demo and not in the actual post itself.

But, wow.

What are you talking about? And please, strangle my husband Anaryu, not me. :smile:
He means that in order to obtain the script, one has to download the demo, which can take a while.  It's much easier if the script is provided in the first post under a spoiler.




Guardian1239":1fw9e2lk said:
He means that in order to obtain the script, one has to download the demo, which can take a while.  It's much easier if the script is provided in the first post under a spoiler.


I think the point of people being able to download the demo is so people can view what the particles do, but that's just my guess. I didn't work on it.
Yaoumei":vfbkw0t2 said:
Guardian1239":vfbkw0t2 said:
He means that in order to obtain the script, one has to download the demo, which can take a while.  It's much easier if the script is provided in the first post under a spoiler.


I think the point of people being able to download the demo is so people can view what the particles do, but that's just my guess. I didn't work on it.
No, the demo is OK.  It's just that the script is usually given directly so people don't have to download the demo every time the script is updated.  I'll show you what I mean.  I'll put the script in a spoiler.

Script goes here.

This way, people can use the script without having to download the demo.  It is really long, though, so the spoiler would extend a lot.

It's also used to prevent people that pirate the program from using the script. Think, and get permission before you do things like this V_V
Twilight":2mvv1nk6 said:
It's also used to prevent people that pirate the program from using the script. Think, and get permission before you do things like this V_V
I'm not really sure what you mean.  If they want the script, they can just download the demo to get it.  Either way, I changed it.  I'm sorry if I did something wrong.

I've found an error with the script.  It occurred when I tried making an autorun event that changed the graphic of the event and gave it a move route.  The event wouldn't change graphics.  I finally found the problem when someone suggested removing the script.

Anything like this is always going to have issues at the beginning when making a script like this from scratch.

Development of this script is going to be based primarily on bug reports from the community so that it can be perfected.  If people have interest in using a fully-working version of this script, you need to test your games with this and report the problems that you're having.  That's the only way this will take off.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that I think this script will be very good when it's complete, people just need to bear with the problems a bit longer.  It'll kick ass as long as Anaryu and the community sticks with it, I promise =p



Kylock":295yypy8 said:
Anything like this is always going to have issues at the beginning when making a script like this from scratch.

Development of this script is going to be based primarily on bug reports from the community so that it can be perfected.  If people have interest in using a fully-working version of this script, you need to test your games with this and report the problems that you're having.  That's the only way this will take off.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that I think this script will be very good when it's complete, people just need to bear with the problems a bit longer.  It'll kick ass as long as Anaryu and the community sticks with it, I promise =p

Why? Is someone saying otherwise? I already know he is a fantastic scripter and programmer. Any bug reports will be tested and fixed.
Not really a killer problem, but I thought I would mention it anyway:

When resetting the game via F12, it will almost always lead to a crash. "Stack level too deep".

^Darn, I just wish I can lock that F12 button in VX too. >_<



Hey, I found a problem with the script...  it may just be my game or whatever, (I will try it on a blank project in a minute and see if I get the same results) but when the script is in my game (it is the only script I have so far) and I use the events to display either a animation or the little bubble icons on anyone other than the player, they dont show up.

I know it has something to do with the script, because when I take it out it all works fine, but for some reason it wont play either animations or bubble events.

I have tried it with the script set to true and false (in the beginning of the script) and I still get the same results.  I have also tried putting DOUPDATE in the name of them, but nothing works.  I havent tried the other 2 things (they arent in the script, I didnt know about them) but I will and see if that works.

Thanks for the help!

I had problems with graphic changes and bubbles, but it only happened on a certain map for some reason.  If I use a self switch and change the graphic with a second event page autorun it works, though, so there are ways around these little errors. :thumb:


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