Why isnt there a tutorial thats simple?! They all jump into more complicated things. I also saw that some of the scripting is in the RPG maker help file. But I get Stupid words like Syntax, Regular Expressions, metacharacters etc.
it was frusterating to understand this. I want a thing for each word that they are going to use. like:
Variable: is the ID tag you put on a value you
Value: can be a number or letters put into a ' ' to make it so the progam understands
I know theres this Reserved Words that can't be changed or used as a Variable. but what does each one mean?
BEGIN class ensure nil self when
END def false not super while
alias defined? for or then yield
and do if redo true
begin else in rescue undef
break elsif module retry unless
case end next return until
I only know what false and true do. I have no clue to what the others do or what they are used for.
these too need descriptions.
the help file only states what it is but not what it does. even if there is a way to learn from the help file. Why look through all of it having to jump back and forth. Its annoying. I would rather have some one state It all at once and use each code in an example. None of that complicated description. Use simple analogies(what ever its a word that means to relate between the source and the target themselves.) like when I was learning values and variables the guide I was using said "You know how students could have ID numbers in school? My ID number is 1921 and when I'm having an exam they ask me to write my ID number on the paper. They don't care about my name because they can just use my ID number to get everything they need to know about me, so the ID and me are the same. A variable is like an ID number (it doesn't need to be a number, could have letters like 'FOA' for my name's initials), it represents a certain value just as an ID number represent a student." that was really easy to follow it made sense since it was simple and no new words. Now if some of the tutorials on here where like that none of the Showing the code in color. That doesn't work cause you put the code into a code box meaning it will show all code no matter. you don't need to show us the color. we can paste it in our selves and see for our self the color of it, no more extra work to delete some of it. some one please help me understand scripting. I want to know what those things above mean^! Sorry for the paragraph but I want to learn.
it was frusterating to understand this. I want a thing for each word that they are going to use. like:
Variable: is the ID tag you put on a value you
Value: can be a number or letters put into a ' ' to make it so the progam understands
I know theres this Reserved Words that can't be changed or used as a Variable. but what does each one mean?
BEGIN class ensure nil self when
END def false not super while
alias defined? for or then yield
and do if redo true
begin else in rescue undef
break elsif module retry unless
case end next return until
I only know what false and true do. I have no clue to what the others do or what they are used for.
these too need descriptions.
the help file only states what it is but not what it does. even if there is a way to learn from the help file. Why look through all of it having to jump back and forth. Its annoying. I would rather have some one state It all at once and use each code in an example. None of that complicated description. Use simple analogies(what ever its a word that means to relate between the source and the target themselves.) like when I was learning values and variables the guide I was using said "You know how students could have ID numbers in school? My ID number is 1921 and when I'm having an exam they ask me to write my ID number on the paper. They don't care about my name because they can just use my ID number to get everything they need to know about me, so the ID and me are the same. A variable is like an ID number (it doesn't need to be a number, could have letters like 'FOA' for my name's initials), it represents a certain value just as an ID number represent a student." that was really easy to follow it made sense since it was simple and no new words. Now if some of the tutorials on here where like that none of the Showing the code in color. That doesn't work cause you put the code into a code box meaning it will show all code no matter. you don't need to show us the color. we can paste it in our selves and see for our self the color of it, no more extra work to delete some of it. some one please help me understand scripting. I want to know what those things above mean^! Sorry for the paragraph but I want to learn.