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RGSS Addon

Who here thinks that it would be a good idea to add on to the built in RGSS classes such as bitmap. Well, I'm starting doing it. So far I have added in several RGSS2 bitmap functions missing from RGSS.

Functions completed:

draw_gradient(rectangle, color1, color2, gradient_type[, subtype])
rectangle - rectangle in which to draw gradient
color1, color2 - starting and ending colors
0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical, 2 - diagonal, 3 - radial
subtype - for diagonal:
0 - top-left to bottom-right, 1 - top-right to bottom-left
- this method is very laggy, especially with anything other than horizontal or vertical

draw_circle(rectangle, color[, border, border_size, border_color])
rectange - rectangle in which to draw circle
color - color of the circle
border - whether to draw a border (default false)
border_size - how large the border is (default 0)
border_color - color of the border (default black)
- this method doesn't lag as much as the gradient, but it still lags

- this method only lags a bit compared to the other functions

- this method lags a little more than blur

draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color[, width])
x1, y1, x2, y2 - starting and ending coordinates of line
color - color in which to draw the line
width - thickness of the line

Version 1.0

great idea! but they've all been done... several times. Check around. (also look in the MACL)
Not saying that you shouldn't create your own, as it's a good learning experience. And who knows, your version may be an improvement...

Be Well
Just a quick update on the progress of this project. I am almost ready to release version 1.0 of RGSS Addon. I have successfully ported most of the code to a dll to speed it up and have created corresponding ruby functions.

Thank you for viewing

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