1453 7 april
James richtwood was murdered last sunday in his own house, while his wife and doughter where outside working on the field. The villigers fear to death. some have even moved to another village. we canot tolerate this enny more! somting has to be done! The body is being buried tomorow. im inviting evveryone to be there. Me as the mayer have also sended a message to the king of oure lands. In the hope he wil send uss some protection against thos bandits! Yes, bandits we have seen them but we wil leave them alone until King luther has given us some guards.
Message found on a pole in wayvill
7 years later
Its the year 1460 by now and with the guards that came after 16 dayes after the mayer had send the message, the king decided to build up the village to create barracks. so we can make are own warriors, also ann the doughter of james has become 18 now. She has been waiting so long to become a warrior and take revenge, but we dont know if the bandits stil exict. she is old enoth to join the fighter guild and will train so far until she can go explore the lands, going ouside the villige without warriors is forbidden. becouse there are a lot of wild animals and maby even the bandits. but sins the death of james the people of the villige setted up a guild named Emberline, its a guild to eliminate the bandits. the guild has become more stronger sins the guards came and the barracks setted up.
The Land of Aden
The game has over 16 regions to explore, with a mount you can go explore the regions one by one. if you walk from the first region to the last region, it wil take about 3 hours. but to do that you wil need to defeat all living creatures. in the 16 regions there are 9 castles and 16 villiges. but becouse this is the demo you wil be able to explore your own home town. its not big but wil be updatet so that you can go outside the village. make sure you complete all quests to finish the demo and see a secret trailer of the full game under devlopment.
Information:Max Is a very quiet boy who has been raised by his sister's. his mom and dad have been killed by bandits while asleep 18 years ago. max also likes to colect flowers and place them around town to chear up the villigers, also he works for Mr. norington to help him with his study.
Information:Ann has had some hard times when she was young, her dad was killed and now joining the emberline guild to help defeat thos who killed him. in the 7 years she has passed the test and has bocome a strong warrior to help defeat the bandits.