Release Date: Unavailable.
Game Maker Used:
Rated: E[10+]
About Me
Hey there.
I've been with the HBGames community for a long time...I am experienced with both Rpg Maker VX and Rpg Maker XP; however, I have become more adept with Rpg Maker VX. I came up with this game's idea when I was thinking and talking to a friend. I wanted to make an RPG; however, every idea I had was rather cliche. . .And then this popped into my head. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I enjoyed making it.
The story begins in the city of Oscuridad, which is broken up into four sectors, which will be explained later. You play as a zombie. You were killed, and experimented on. You have one objective. To figure out who you are, and get revenge on the doctor who experimented on you.
Finally, after killing endless amounts of soldiers and people. You discover the man who kills you. When you find the man, it all begins to come back to you, like a Mirror to the Past. -More on this coming soon.
Name: Brains
Age: ...He's dead.
Part in Story:
The main character in the story, his name isn't really "Brains," that's just his nickname.
You will discover his real name when he finds the doctor who killed him...
Age: ...He's dead.
Part in Story:
The main character in the story, his name isn't really "Brains," that's just his nickname.
You will discover his real name when he finds the doctor who killed him...
Oscuridad is seperated into four sectors because it's a large town.
-Northwest Sector
-Southwest Sector
-Northeast Sector
-Southeast Sector
Soldiers gaurd the streets.
The Menu
Battle --- Still working on this :]
A quick gameplay video. The music in battle is different then the song used, also the battle background is temporary, I know it looks horrible, I'll be changing it. Don't worry :]
dapaulwall92 - A few zombie sprites. Thanks - these are amazing.
Akuma209 - The Logo. Also amazing. Thanks :]