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I need a script that moves you to your previous position on a previous map. I'll use an example and reason I need it.

I have made a FFX Spear Grid tileset. When I use an item that takes me to the spear grid it puts me in the center via common event, transfer player. The problem is getting back to the spot where I used it. I need it so if button A is pushed it will transfer me back to where I was when I used the item that transfered me.

Let me expand your mind with some screen shots:

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b298/ ... gmxp/1.png[/IMG]
I use the skill from here, this applies to any part of the map on any map.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b298/ ... gmxp/2.png[/IMG]
I end up here on my own custom map, with a custom tileset to look like a spear grid, er, close to a spear grid.
Black = locked Skills
Red = locked empty space
blue = unlocked skills
yellow = unlocked empty space

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b298/ ... gmxp/3.png[/IMG]
Here is where, after exiting, I am in the same spot I used the item/option. Now what I ask is that I occur on the same map, it don't even have to be the same place, but I would like it to, very much so.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b298/ ... gmxp/4.png[/IMG]
And, as you can see from this screenshot, you can use it from anywhere. This is just a visual enhancement for the word "anywhere".

And sorry, I'm new and don't know how to use that Hide/Show bar thing.

And if you want to be really nice, really, really REALLY NICE! You can script the whole thing out so I don't have to use an item to get to them map, but an option from the menu.

So, lets recap:

  • Your not scripting a spear grid!
  • You are scripting something that memorizes your last postion on your last map and sends you to it.

Thank you for reading.
Just use variables to record the map id the x and y of the player

Map id = Control Variables (Other)
Tile X = Control Variables (Character: Player Map X)
Tile Y = Control Variables (Character: Player Map Y)


Use Seph's Sphere Grid Script



I am no good with variables, could you please go in depth what I should do and how to do it? All my life of RPG Maker I have never used variables, only switches.



Ok, now I see where to do it. Doh! And can someone still explain how to do it? I don't get the variables. And can someone post the link to Seph's Sphere Grid script? I searched around, even Googled and can't find it.

EDIT: It keeps saying something to the effect of: Error, can't find map:1000.

what do I do? Please help.

Also I just realized there are event pages in events other than troop. Wow...
What you want to do is, in your Common Event, before you transfer the player to your Spear Grid, set three variables (I'll use Variable 0001, 0002 and 0003, for example):

@Set Variable [0001] = Player's Map ID
@Set Variable [0002] = Player's X
@Set Variable [0003] = Player's Y
@Transfer Player command to your Spear Grid.

*Note: Make sure you set the variables before you tranfer the player

Then, when you choose "Yes" to return to the map, use the Transfer Player command, and look near the bottom. You should see the option to use variables. Put Variable [0001] in the MapID slot, Variable [0002] in the X spot and Variable [0003] in the Y spot. That should teleport them back to where they started.
Sephiroth's sphere grid is broken.
i found it on creation asylum, but the link doesn't work.
i'm just going to make one using events.

i never got variables either, but i think Rhazdel just explained it pretty good.
Variables are the essence of good RMXP use, you really need to master them. Search for Ccoa's RMXP guide for info.

(On another topic, I haven't seen her around for a while now).

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