EDIT: Scroll down to latest post.
# changing a window's background to invisible
@window.back_opacity = 0 # ranges from 0 to 255
# displaying a sprite
@sprite = Sprite.new
@sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new(filename) # filename has to be a string and without file extension
@sprite.x = @window.x + 2 #example for setting a sprite's x coordinate to be relative to the window; same works with y
@sprite.z = @window.z - 1 # example of setting a sprite's z-value relative to the window
@actor_command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4])
@actor_command_window.y = 160
@actor_command_window.back_opacity = 160
@actor_command_window.active = false
@actor_command_window.visible = false
@battle_command_sprite = Sprite.new
@battle_command_sprite.bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/System/Battle_Command") # filename has to be a string and without file extension
@battle_command_sprite.x = @actor_command_window.x #example for setting a sprite's x coordinate to be relative to the window; same works with y
@battle_command_sprite.y = @actor_command_window.y + 0 #example for setting a sprite's x coordinate to be relative to the window; same works with y
@battle_command_sprite.z = @actor_command_window.z - 1 # example of setting a sprite's z-value relative to the window
if @actor_command_window.visible == true
@battle_command_sprite.opacity = 255
elsif @actor_command_window.visible == false
@battle_command_sprite.opacity = 0
# * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate
def screen_x
return 30
# * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate
def screen_y
if self.index != nil
return self.index * 130 + 200
return 0