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[RESOLVED]Display text on on top of picture?

Hi..  i will try to explain this so you will understand.  :shock:
I was just playing around in the script editor and i was wondering how you can make the text a higher priority?
I thought i could try to remove the message window and use a picture instead but when i use a picture the text is behind the picture so you can't see it  :shock:

I This is what i tried:

    bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture('picture')
    self.contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, Rect.new(0,0,200,200))

but as i said, you can't see the text cuz the picture is blocking it, so i wonder is there a way to change it so that the text is on top instead? :smile:
verballydecapitating":1rtwkdok said:
Make sure you blit the background before the text and it will display underneath the text. Blt transfers one bitmap onto another, so just do it in the right order.

aaah, that was the problem, thanks for the help! ^^

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